View Full Version : what do you do?

22-05-15, 00:47
what do you guys do during the day?

22-05-15, 01:03
Work 9-5:30 or so... 5 days a week...

Positive thoughts

22-05-15, 02:15
retired, what ever fills the day.

22-05-15, 02:39
I'm with you, Fishmanpa. Work 5 days a week, 8:30-5 most days. Some days a bit longer depending on paperwork.

I have therapy every other Tuesday 6:45 PM. Free time is spent taking care of the house really, sometimes try to do yoga, get a massage once a month, going for hikes when the weather is nice and my husband is home (don't like to hike on my own unless it's an easier/wide open hike). I am trying to spend time in the yard. Snuggle with my cat, etc.

22-05-15, 17:36
I retired last July after teaching for 41 years in primary school. I now run back and forth to hospital, doctors, opticians etc. with my 90 year old parents. Mum was in hospital for 3 months and now, after a month at home, is back in with a different problem so visiting every night, as I did for 3 months! it is a long journey but my Dad likes to see her every day. In the meantime he has had bladder cancer so lots of trips for that too. Also have 4 gorgeous grandchildren of 2 and under who keep me busy some days...they also keep me happy but very tired. My husband's mother lives next door and he cares for her as well as having a full time job. I don't know how I find time to have HA but still I find lumps and bumps, aches and pains.

22-05-15, 22:17
thank you all who replied. it was just a curios question. you are all busy. that's nice to know. [not in a bad way in a good way] thank you. im a stay at home mum. but I,ve worked on and off for 10yr. I recently quit my job people were unfair. but im enjoying being able to take and fetch my kids from school now.

23-05-15, 08:10
Good for you. I stayed at home with my kids until the eldest was 10 and then went back to teaching. Did a bit of supply which is why I have put 41 years teaching but 10 of those years was supply work while I raised my boys.

23-05-15, 15:28
Fruity, taking care of your children IS a full-time with overtime job!! I give you so much credit, when I babysit my nephews I am exhausted. I have quit a couple jobs because of bad management and treatment of employees. Good for you!