View Full Version : Health Fears Back

little kyle
22-05-15, 01:01
Feel like i'm not breathing properly at all its like i'm constantly coughing to bring mucus up but nothing is there at all...

I have a fear of asthma which i was told i had as a child ever since then i fear it. Any sort of wheeze i panic or the feeling im not breathing right its panic station...

Really don't know what to do about it any more

22-05-15, 06:13
Are you receiving any therapy?

I have to tell you Kyle that I have had asthma for around 30 years now and its never bothered me much at all. People work out, run marathons, have physical jobs, etc with it thesedays as it is controllable. Its only the really bad cases that compromise the quality if life and you would know if this was you as you would not be posting about it as it would be serious.

You need to learn how to challenge these thoughts with evidence and have a balanced focus. For instance, anxiety & panic cause much the same symptoms and I've had difficulty working out which is which.

22-05-15, 09:02
Anxiety does that to me all the time! Try the NHS relaxation CD. Stick it on full blast for half hr. :)

23-05-15, 00:32
Have you actually been diagnosed with asthma. If you have you would be using inhalers and having regular check ups with an asthma nurse. Asthma is a very controllable disease if you do the things you are told to do and use your inhalers as instructed.

My seven year old granddaughter has brittle asthma which she was diagnosed with at one year old and she manages things very well.

23-05-15, 06:01
I think that depends on the level of asthma, Frankie, and maybe the age/vulnerability of the person? I've only been offered 2 check ups in like 30 years.

I agree with you on the diagnosis. It can significantly decrease, especially if you are fit, but it will come back as you age.