View Full Version : Heart flutters, missed beats, the lot

22-05-15, 01:22
Hi everyone

I havn't posted on here for a while and felt the need to do so as I'm really anxious.

I have suffered from ectopic, missed beats, weird thuds, fast heart rate etc for many years. I have had numerous 24 hour halter monitors and ecgs etc and always told all normal nothing to worry about just 'embrace' the palpitations :scared15:.

Here's the thing though, even though I always get odd beats they vary from day to day and have over the last few years. However, yesterday after eating a burger from Maccas, I got the missed beats etc and have had them virtually constantly since then. This has happened in the past hence all the tests but they eventually stopped from happening every few beats to only occasionally so I kind of stopped worrying. Now I'm worrying again and thinking do I have to go back and get all the tests again!!

Also meant to mention I am post menopausal so not sure if that could be associated with this flare up or not. Also I do have a really weird stomach bug at the minute and I read that people do say there is a connection with the stomach and palpitations!

Anyway, sorry for the long winded post just wanted to know if anyone else gets the same thing.

thanks guys

22-05-15, 01:35
you may be going through stress with the menopause and not feeling great with the stomach bug. It's funny how the body responds to things. Do you focus on your heart beat...like you're expecting at some point to have a palpitation? I'm guilty of this and have been told that its "Panic Disorder Expectancy" meaning, if you think you're going to have palpitations and constantly worry about them, it's a vicious circle cause chances are you will and you worry more increasing the palpitations more. During a bad episode of palpitations you just have to try your best to get through it, accept that it's your body's way of dealing with stress/menopause/stomach bug. This is just my thoughts on it :) Hope you feel better soon :flowers:

22-05-15, 03:45

Thankyou Cookiecat for your reply. Yes I certainly do concentrate on my heartbeat and just as you say, I wait for the next one to come which then it always does. :scared15: .

I had hardly any sleep last night as I was laying awake waiting for them. As you say it is such a vicious circle.

Thanks again and I will definitely try and not listen in and wait for the extra beats.

Tracy xxxx