View Full Version : Relationships?

22-05-15, 08:15
I'm just wondering whether anyone feels that their relationships contribute to HA? Or underlying relationship issues struggle because of HA? Or even cause it?

Bit of an odd one this...

22-05-15, 18:26
Both to be honest with you. When I find that my relationship is unhealthy then it make my depression and anxiety worse which then sends me into a spiral of panic which then leads to me needing reassurance from my other half who is sick of going over the same thing over and over and then I become more anxious as I feel I don't have his support and so it continues

22-05-15, 18:41
Yeah I totally get this Laura.

Unfortunately relationship troubles equates with HR increase. Then you feel almost reliant on the other person and incapable of making changes. I'm not sure on my part if I need to make wholesale changes. But kids involved.

Maybe my HA is affecting the relationship when the relationship is strong otherwise? But maybe it's the other way around?! I can't see which one it is..

22-05-15, 18:47
Trueman I am in the same position as you not sure if my relationship is right but too scared to walk away as don't think I am strong enough to deal with it on my own but not sure I can continue to stay where I am.

It's hard, so very hard. I've just finished an 8 session course of CBT now I am waiting to start counselling as I feel I need more help talking things through about my life and the direction I am headed. All whilst trying to show the world I am normal haha