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View Full Version : Ground moving/Lurching

22-05-15, 09:23
Hello all

I won't bore you all with my story again, as I have been on and off this form for years with anxiety and always end up here as it is always so reassuring and welcoming. I am a long time anxiety suffer and it has hit me hard again, I've been experiencing symptoms like the ground moving when I walk or when I set off to walk the world lurches one way, or if I bend down my eyes roll etc, I have had this in the past but as it was so long ago find myself again needing reassurance! Does anyone else have this, I am so angry at myself for feeling like this again.

22-05-15, 10:44
Often, usually just as I put the key in the door to leave the house.
Because it's so predictable with me I put it down to a rush of anxiety and that's the end of it.
I still get it if I'm waiting in a queue or places which are unfamiliar and crowded.
Again I know that anxiety triggers it off and can usually ignore it.

When I havent had it for a while it freaks me out a little more than I let it when it's constantly there at stressful moments through the day.

I think the consistency eases the ability to ignore it.

Best wishes

22-05-15, 15:03
Hey! I'm feeling the same for 2years it's frustrating..I would like to talk to you about that I will write to you.

28-05-15, 23:49
I,ve had it for 7 yrs. Feels like I'm gonna fall

29-05-15, 10:36
I thought it was just me !!.. I can be perfectly fine and from nowhere its like im being pulled to one side, usually the left and often with a pressure feel top or side of head. I wondered about sinus issues as it seems to happen most when ive been in cold or windy weather ??

29-05-15, 10:54
Oh my goodness, I could have wrote your post!

I get this all the time and its horrible...

I feel like im walking but everything is tilting...

I'm dizzy but not vertigo and not lightheadiness either, just this sensation that I am a bit crooked. I walk and feel like ive suddenly dropped in a lift, the horrible thing is get this sittiing down as well.

I havent had it for a while but its come back today after about 2 months and really shaken me up :(

Do you have it when youa re sat down as well?

I am pretty sure its just anxiety but being an anxiety sufferer, the what if's start coming into play!

29-05-15, 10:56
Fedup36... I get it sitting, walking and trying to relax on the pillow is a nightmare !! I feel so heavy in head and neck..

29-05-15, 11:02
Yes, I get it when im lying down... I tried Yoga and kept feeling like I was falling through the floor it was horrible!

Does it come compltley out the blue?

29-05-15, 11:06
Think I know that falling feeling..not sure if same but when this episode first started up 7 months ago I had a feeling of being pulled backwards..not quite spinning vertigo but falling backwards over a cliff kind of feel.was awful. Then I couldn't put pressure on my hands as it gave same feeling so I thought right its my neck..I did physio and that feel went away but since have had good days and then out of blue....all kinds of sensations. Lightheads briefly, lurching, ground moving etc.