View Full Version : Mirtazipine and Venlafaxine combination

22-05-15, 14:42

First time on forum.

I'm a 26yr old Male. I've suffered with severe anxiety for just over one year. I have been weaning off Pregabalin and been prescribed Venlafaxine 37.5 and Mirtazipine 30mg. I've been taking the Mirt for several months and it does not seem to have had much effect but the psychiatrist said that the Mirt and the Ven are a good combination. I've read here that there are some undesirable side effects, what else have you experienced? I'm due to take my first Ven tonight and I'm concerned about how I will feel and if I will be able to make it to work next week.

I also take propranlol and diazepam when needed. I have CBT weekly.

My anxiety started suddenly after a particularly stressful time at work and it never seemed to subside. I manage to attend work 3-4 days a week but when I do I am on edge and feel very close to being sick. I have a very stressful job. I can no longer be in groups or take public transport (basically I am not comfortable anywhere other than my house).

If anyone has had and good/bad experiences with this combination of meds I would be pleased to hear. From a quick google I can see that the main use of both drugs is for depression - less mention of anxiety. I'd also like to know how long it took to start feeling better.

Thank for for your time and if be grateful for any suport


22-05-15, 23:13
I was on this combo last year for about 9 months during a really bad time with depression /anxiety.
I'd been on Ven for a while,but it didn't seem to be working as well,but when the Mirt was added it was as though a light had been switched on in my brain.
Although the depression lifted,I was still left with a lot of anxiety, particularly intrusive thoughts,so my psych added a small amount of Olanzapine, which has helped me a lot:).

25-05-15, 18:28
Thank you :)

I'm glad to hear this combo really helped you.

I've got my fingers crossed

25-05-15, 19:16
Good luck

Let's know how you get on :)