View Full Version : Terrified/excited moving house?

22-05-15, 21:50
Hiya guys! Hope you all are having a good day!

Me and my boyfriend plan on moving out of my mums house soon and we have everything sorted from money to plans etc etc except for were just trying to find the right house for us.

The only thing I'm worrying about is having panic attacks when I'm alone! My boyfriend works nights so I'm likely to be fine in the daytime as her amazing with me when I am bad but I'm so scared of being alone.

I suppose by being in control of how clean the house is and if the foods cooked I'm less likely to be triggered because I know it will all be sanitary but will I get worse? I've heard leaving home can sometimes make you better!!

Advice welcomed and needed!! :bighug1:

25-05-15, 10:21
Hi Xilvey. I recently moved to start a MSc at University, this has meant living apart from my Girlfriend of seven years for the last six months only seeing her every other weekend at most.

During this time, (not including the amount of time I've spent thinking about panic attacks which obviously makes you anxious) I've had two major panic attacks one on the first night she left and the other on a morning when I was going to leave her to go back that stopped me getting on the train.

Generally I'm able to control my anxiety levels through, exercise, meditation, work, art and social balance. This stops the panic and I hadn't had an attack for over a year before that, however I couldn't control it on these two occasions and obviously when you have a panic attack it's a really scary and unpleasant thing.

That being said, I've learned from those two recent attacks that they do pass, i'm not going crazy, and i'm unlikely to come to any real physical harm from them. After they pass and the flight or fight response dies down the world is still there just as it was and you are as well.

I think what I'm trying to say is live a lifestyle that helps you reduce them, if taking care of the house works for you do that, but create a balance in life that makes you happy, and make sure you exercise (as this does you a world of psychological and physical good on its own.) This balance will make the attack less likely in the first place, but if one does happen remember that you only need two things for it to end, breathing and time. All panic attacks disappear over a short period of time and you just need to focus on your breathing, after it is finished write a thought diary as this can be healing in itself.

Don't worry, it'll be great, even if you do have an attack it's a tiny blip on an amazing journey that you are going through with your supportive bloke.


30-05-15, 02:45
Thank you! That's very soothing to hear haha only a few days now until we move into our new home!!!