View Full Version : sex headache..,, and I googled it!

22-05-15, 22:21
If anyone has had it I've got myself really worked up and not in a good way.

I googled sudden sex headache after having sex and it came back with a possible hemorrhage ! So now I'm I'm having a panic attack over it! Romatic huh?

22-05-15, 22:33
I have had this on and off for years, but its been in the build up to climax, sort of 10 seconds before take off. It's not dangerous, but it bloody hurts doesn't it!

22-05-15, 22:37
Hi there,

If you search the site, you'll see that there have been a fair few threads about this already. It seems pretty common- many people on NMP who had it went to their doctors, who told them it was normal.

Hopefully that reassures you. With all respect, I'm not sure you be posting on here if you were having a brain haemorrhage!

Best wishes :)

22-05-15, 22:37
Thanks dazza, had so much anxiety lately anything is,triggering panicky thoughts.

Its still hurting a bit but took some painkillers.

Edit: cheers Emily.

Bloody anxiety !

23-05-15, 08:18
So woke up this morning still with a slight headache which caused panic so ended up going to a&e

23-05-15, 08:22
When I saw the title I thought it might be about what happens when you get married! :winks:

I've had this plenty of times myself. You can also get it from, er, masturbation, but you didn't hear that from me! :blush:

Could it be related to the fact blood is rushing away from your head? Then there is probably a bit of dehydration going on too. plus the raised body temperature

23-05-15, 08:49
Terry, I think you might mean the lack of sex once married, now that does cause a headache :D

How did it go at the hospital wubu?

23-05-15, 08:54
I might be quoting you on that in years to come, Dazza...for health reasons, of course :winks:

23-05-15, 09:49
Well saw the doc she said it wouldn't be a bleed because basically I wouldn't be sitting there as alert as I am etc.

She said it was very common and called it coital cephalgia I think it was. Had an eye test with these pinhole glasses thing to check vision too.

She also said I have high BP

23-05-15, 09:52
Thats good news.

23-05-15, 11:55
I can understand why it worried you, it really is the worst type of head pain there is, and it does linger for quite some time afterwards.

I wonder if the high BP is the anxiety you were probably feeling since last night. My BP goes up when I am having it checked at the doctors, and comes down again once done.

Weird and wonderful creatures that we are eh :)

23-05-15, 14:13
I read this which is quite interesting about a guy that had this headache but I can't post a link as I'm on my phone but if you google

Livescience coital cephalgia

There is an interesting article on the above.

23-05-15, 15:55

Good article, I especially like this part...

Now married, Ashton was prescribed indomethacin and hasn't experienced a sexual headache for months, though "having to take a pill before sex does kind of kill the spontaneity," he told the Daily Mail.

I think we all know why he hasn't had a sexual headache for months....He got married!! :D

23-05-15, 17:51
I think we all know why he hasn't had a sexual headache for months....He got married!! :D

If there was a like button!

24-05-15, 09:05

Good article, I especially like this part...

Now married, Ashton was prescribed indomethacin and hasn't experienced a sexual headache for months, though "having to take a pill before sex does kind of kill the spontaneity," he told the Daily Mail.

I think we all know why he hasn't had a sexual headache for months....He got married!! :D

He's going to be very annoyed if he becomes impotent too and needs to take the little blue V's for it. His mates willl be buying him a pill box for his birthday! :D

24-05-15, 09:24
Headache is still there although not as bad as yesterday. Took some paracetamol & ibruprofen which also seemed to settle it a bit but now got a headache across the front of my head. It probably doesn't help that I'm super anxious this morning.

I called the out of hours GP who suggested to see my GP about blood tests but will also see me this morning.

24-05-15, 09:37
Are you getting plenty of water and sleeping ok? Both of these can cause loads of headaches.

You are right about higher anxiety not helping, for a start it will cause your body to burn its way through nutrients faster. So, if you are hot & sweating a lot, more water may help.

If you are going through a bad stage if anxiety you may find your eyes are more sensitive to light too. I had this and I've seen others mention it. This could add to headache problems. I can remember supermarkets, which are oddly bright anyway, could be a pain back then and it could make me feel a bit dizzy from it.

24-05-15, 09:49
Im surprised the headache is still there actually, but it could easily be a rebound headache from the headache tablets, especially if its in a different place, or a stress headache because its made you so anxious. I'm sure you will be ok, but always good to get yourself checked :)

24-05-15, 11:52
Yeah I feel so stressed the moment also, feel really done in and tired with this anxiety, it's really draining. I'll update you later.

I've been drinking more water over the last couple days. I guess it worries me about an aneurysm. All I've had is the headache, nothing else to be worried about.

---------- Post added at 11:52 ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 ----------

I'm back in a&e and gotta,have a scan also got full on panic,now

24-05-15, 12:05
Once the scan is done, and comes back clear (fingers crossed) you'll feel a lot calmer with any luck so just try to relax a little if you can :)

24-05-15, 13:41
Many thanks for all the kind words.

I had a CT really quickly and got the results,in 30 mins which were all ok.

Have to praise the NHS for their kindness prompt action.

24-05-15, 16:27
Good, see I knew there was nothing to worry about :winks:

Glad you are ok, now just relax, and to prevent this from re-occurring in future, get yourself married and all of this will go away :roflmao:

24-05-15, 17:22
Lol. It think that is the next step.

26-05-15, 21:15
I used to suffer from this a lot, man the pain is insane, I literally almost sh*t myself when it happened, I thought it was the end of me it was so bad. I wasn't lucky enough to get given a scan, I did ring an ambulance, though I had to wait weeks for a scan which left me in a state of worry.

What I find strange is that I have always been prone to headaches, especially tension headaches and I am currently going through a phase of extreme tension headaches and dizziness all related to my anxiety according to the doctor, which to be honest I believe because that's all it always is. I just find it interesting that I suffered with these orgasm headaches too and also suffer with other types of headache etc.

Glad you got reassured, I remember how frightened I was when it first happened. It happened quite a few times then suddenly stopped thankfully, touch wood.

26-05-15, 21:45
I saw the GP today as I remembered..... nobody told me what was going on! GP had a feel around my head and said I had a trapped nerve and a chiropractor would be a good idea. Saw one today who said he could feel the part of my neck that was also hurting and was inflamed (trapped nerve) plus he said I had a displayced cervical disc (I think it was called that).

Getting romantic is a dangerous thing lol.

26-05-15, 22:04
Hahaha yeah, man it took me a while to build up the courage to do it again after it happened the first time. I had to take deep breaths in and around the time lol