View Full Version : Argh, haircut!

26-01-07, 16:05
I've been putting off booking myself in for a haircut for about a year, and my hair is now down to my waistband and full of split ends, BUT I've just got off the phone from the hairdresser and I'm booked in for a restyle at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning! It will probably cost me a fortune, but I had a "sod it to anxiety" moment and JFDI! The only trouble is, now I'm bricking it! [Oops!]

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

26-01-07, 16:11
hi leah
if your not to sure about going to the hairdressers why dont you call a mobile hairdresser, it would be better for you to go there though as by staying away your feeding the anxiety, could you take a friend with you whatever you decide enjoy your new haircut :D
take care
denise :D

26-01-07, 16:27
Hi, I know what u mean about the hairdressers, I find it helps to be honest and tell them (luckily mine, I've known a while and feel i can tell her) about how hard I find it to go. Then if I feel I need to be quiet or have a break to calm down I feel I can without them thinking I'm too strange!

The last time i went I was supposed to have highlights and when my hairdresser said what are we doing today I said well I'm not very well again and she said shall I just cut it instead and it was more manageable. I think the idea of using a mobile hairdresser is a good one if you can face people coming to the house - I find it easier to go to them as there is somewhere to escape from!

Long hair is good anyway!
Rufus xx

26-01-07, 17:00
I completely understand how you all feel i havant been to a hairdressers for well over a year luckily a friend of mine can cut hair so she does it at home for me and she understands if i need a fag break but its so much easier to have it done at home. but good luck and youll feel better with a new haircut. x

26-01-07, 17:41
I kept putting off going to the hairdresser. In the end I got so fed up with my hair (very thick and unruly) that I booked to go to one near where Mum lives in Suffolk. Well it was a chatty hairdressers and the one washing the hair actually stood beside me rather than behind and that helped ease the anxiety a bit, I felt sort of comforted. I also sucked a sweet and had my rescue remedy in my pocket. I told the actual hairdresser (who cut my hair) and she was really nice, I try and go there now when I visit Suffolk.

If you can tell your hairdresser you suffer from anxiety, I'm sure she'll do all she can to put you at your ease and chat to you.

Good luck please let us know how you get on.

26-01-07, 18:45
Ooh you'll feel so proud of yourself when you've had it done and just think how nice it'll look! :D:D:D

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

26-01-07, 19:15
Thanks guys - I'm trying to think of the positive "think how great I'll feel and look on Sunday when I go to that wedding fayre!" thoughts rather than the "well what will I do if I panic and have to leave halfway through?!" thoughts!

I'm not sure about telling the hairdresser though - when I've been before, the hairdressers have always been younger than me (and I'm only 25!), and I'd feel such a fool to tell them what I go through [:I]

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

27-01-07, 12:04

When I could not get out of the house I used to have a hairdresser come to me.

Gradually as I got better at going out my daughter and I used to have our hair cut at the same time.

Then a few months back she had a stomach bug and was vomiting badly and obviously would not be able to accompany me to the hairdressers. I started to panic but felt too bad about having to cancel so late in the day. So I thought well lets do it. I could not cope with driving there as it was Saturday and the roads would be too busy. I find what helps me is take a book with me to read. So I read waiting for the bus, on the bus and at the hairdressers while I waiting for my stylist. He is a young man and does not bother talking which I find I like. A couple of times I got panicy but managed to calm myself down.

Probably if I knew a few days before the 'what ifs' would have come but it was good because it was on the day. I'm glad I managed to get to the hairdressers and I am sure you will be. Do you have a friend that can go with you?



27-01-07, 15:34
Well, I survived, and remarkably well at that :D I was anxious before I went, but had a book in my bag, a bottle of water and a crossword puzzle book in case I started feeling panicky, and had a squirt of rescue remedy before I went in. I was a little anxious at times while there, but it soon passed, and it certainly didn't reach panic proportions. And, what is best is that I love my new hairdo! :D

Thanks for all the kind words of support, everyone[:I]

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

27-01-07, 16:07
Thats great hun. You did brilliantly and you have a great new haircut which always makes you feel so much better.

Well done you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".