View Full Version : Worried about mouther cancer and stuff.

23-05-15, 03:27
I know this has kinda been a thing before but I'm worried about having mouth cancer, I'm only 21 and I only smoked for 6 months so I really shouldn't be worried but unfortunately it doesn't work like that. I've had a couple of small lumps in my mouth and on the ripples at the front of the roof of my mouth are a little uneven (Larger on the right side). I know lumps aren't usually cancer but I'm still finding it hard to not get anxious, I've not noticed any particular growth or anything but the inside of my mouth is a bit discoloured (Might be due to the fact that I only started brushing regularly recently).

Anyways down to the point, I'm super worried/anxious about the idea of having mouth cancer and I could do with some advice/reassurance. Either way I'm going to the dentists soon.

EDIT: Mouther was a typo obviously, I meant mouth.

28-05-15, 15:16
Didn't want to double post but am going to dentists today, still really worried.