View Full Version : go on holiday on monday i cant get excited due to worrying and googling

23-05-15, 07:38
I am trying so hard not to worry but im convinced iv got a sarcoma because of stuff iv read on net.

iv had my lump two years now its not grown or changed moves slightly. Drs have diagnosed lipoma. I have read stories about people who have had lumps for years and eventually removed and its cancer i just think what if this is me?

iv two young children we go away monday i keep telling myself just push to back of mind but its hard. Im tryin to keep away from drs because just tell me the same but i just panic what if they wrong just because i show no worrying symptoms.

anyone else in a similar situation or can help me with some reassurance please

23-05-15, 19:09
Am also going away next week and my biggest worry is always that I don't have my laptop with me and cannot keep in touch when I want to or need to. I should be looking forward to the break with my son and grandchildren but I feel like I don't want to go which I know is very stupid. Health anxiety plays such havoc with your mind.

23-05-15, 19:16
I know it does but i will try my best to enjoy it with my babies i try to be as normal around them as possible is hard somedays tho

23-05-15, 21:22
Going away is hard when you have anxiety, health or otherwise. I am always afraid of being away from my GP in case I find a lump . I wish you luck and really hope you can enjoy your holiday.

23-05-15, 22:27
Your anxiety is running away with you, but your fears are completely unfounded. A lipoma (simply a 'fatty cyst', as I am sure you know) does not feel remotely like a cancerous tumour - there is no way a doctor will confuse the two. If your doctor tells you you have a lipoma, that is what you have, rest assured. It is completely benign. I have had two over the years, both eventually got bigger and became quite unsightly so they were removed under local anaesthetic, but purely for cosmetic reasons. I hope you have a lovely holiday - I promise you that there is no reason for you to worry for even a minute over your lipoma. Best wishes from Annie

24-05-15, 07:17
Thank you for your kind words :)