View Full Version : left shoulder

23-05-15, 11:49
Good Morning all

I have an on going problem, its comes and goes and can be weeks pain free,
It starts with a sharp pain in my left shoulder blade, that becomes a dull ache that lasts for around half an hour, now its bugging me as I cant reproduce the pain myself no matter what position I have my arm, the area is never tender.

I have had a stress test in Feb that came back clear, but I am worried this pain could be heart related but I do not get any other symptoms with it.

Any ideas?

23-05-15, 20:28
Do you spend long periods of time at a desk or computer? I get this. It's a repetitive strain injury from being in one position too long.

23-05-15, 22:51
shoulder pain can come from front sleepers too as we usually put our arm under the pillow to support our neck /