View Full Version : Will it ever get better?

23-05-15, 12:38
So I have not posted for a few weeks. Generally I feel ok, not had any major attacks, just a few little nervous moments the last few weeks since I have been getting over a nasty virus which kind of knocked me a bit.

Also quit smoking now for 6 weeks (one little relapse but nothing major!).

The thing is I am still so nervous all the time, there are no attacks lately just feelings there might be one but it never happens. I am not sure which is worse, having an attack or waiting for it to happen? My mind is coming round to the fact nothing bad can happen, just tell it to bugger off! But the feeling is still there.

I am also so so so tired all the time! I am finding it hard at work, to go out with my wife, just anything too physical! I am only 28 and not really overweight, if anything I am losing weight quite well since this all started again, lost 1st 4lbs so far in one month.

I have been to the doctors as I have been having some funny sensations in my arm and leg, is goes all tingly and slightly numb / cold feeling. Then it randomly comes back all warm and feeling fine. He is doing all sorts of blood tests and a few vitamins tests with my thyroid included! I am just so nervous something is wrong with me, I just want to know. I can't keep going on like this not knowing what it is, or is all of it in my head? I know the attacks are but the physical symptoms that happen when there are no attacks are doing me in!

I keep having some really down moments lately with this, just keep crying and negative thoughts come into my head about losing people or that something bad is going to happen to me. Like everyone on here, we just want to be normal without these problems, I am just having a really tough time at the moment overcoming the simple bits with it :weep:

23-05-15, 15:35
It sounds like you are probably tired because of 1. being sick with a virus and 2. anxiety and panic. It is exhausting!! Also sounds like you are going through "anticipatory anxiety" because you haven't had a panic attack (which is great!! good job) and maybe you are on alert for the next one to come on. Anticipatory anxiety is really difficult because it makes the rest of our anxieties worse. Instead try to practice mindfulness ... there are posts all over this site with mindfulness resources. It will help you turn your attention to the present and not waiting for something bad to happen.

23-05-15, 15:40
You probably do have something wrong with you. But not what you are thinking.
Anxiety can change how your organs work. Your Doctor may find nothing or he may find you are anemic. Possibly a vitamin or mineral deficiency. What he does find though will be fixable if it is caused by anxiety. Anxiety uses some minerals and vitamins faster than normal which makes the anxiety worse.

24-05-15, 11:24
Thanks for the replies, I think most of this is in my head still. The last time I had it this bad was about ten years ago and it took a few months to go then. Just really freaky it has been a bad virus that has bought the attacks on this time! I am guessing it just ran me down so much it happened. I am slowly getting better just having to retrain my brain with certain things and scenarios I am now associating again with Anxiety!

Davit - blood work is back on Tuesday so will update again then. I didn't know that anxiety can drain you like that, it normally just makes me tired but guessing that is down to draining your system of certain things it needs! I just wish my arm and leg would behave, again just freaks you out a bit.

Swgrl09 - I am now trying to focus on normal things and the present, not dwelling on the past or what could happen if I have an attack. I did have a moment last night when I just overheated and had a mild panic, until I stopped and thought, hang on I am just hot, it's a hot evening stop being so silly! Woke up this morning fine.
It's funny after having a spat of these attacks the stupidest thing can set us off.

26-05-15, 12:21
So went to phone for my blood tests today and I have to speak with the Doctor about them, would not tell me all is ok over the phone or anything else. Freaking out a bit! I am just nervous something is wrong, especially since my liver test was slightly off last time and this is why they are checking again :unsure: