View Full Version : Ovarian cancer worries!

23-05-15, 18:52
So here goes.... I actually haven't posted on here for over a year, I have resisted all googling and this week I have just gone into mad overdrive!! ive exhausted dr google and nearly fainted on a couple of occasions! Ive just looked over some of my old posts and even that is now making me so scared!I just need someone to really calm me down this is actually ruining my life now!
anyway last month (midcycle) I had this really bad pain in my right ovary area, I actually thought it was appendicitis it was that bad! it was stabbing and so bad I could hardly walk. It calmed down the next morning but was still a dull ache I went to the GP who said this was just normal ovulation and after 3 kids (last one is 1 years old) and being 36 things are bound to be changing in my system, she wasn't worried and sent me away saying it will go in a few days.......It did!. I came on but my cycle ended up being 33 days long, instead of the usual 30 or so (maybe due to panic) The only day I have actually felt really well for the past month is the day I finished my period! Since then though I have has a change in bowel habits..... I have a kind of urgent need to go in the mornings, my stools are normal coloured but are quite soft (a bit like soft serve ice cream) sorry TMI! I did have lots of gas but that seemed to come and go I go around 2 or 3 times in the morning and then nothing until the next day. Well im now in midcylcle again and about a week ago the pains are back, right sided (some twinges on left) lower back pain, hip pain pains shooting down my thigh (inside and outside) Its not as bad as before but definatly there and increases when im sitting around. Yesterday I walked around a theme park for the whole day with not a twinge or anything, as soon as I got home, it started again.Its driving me nuts. I did go back to gp a few days ago and she suggested a scan and I basically refused saying id be too scared, and please don't suggest the CA125 test I think id just die waiting for the result! she said she wasn't worried and will wait and see with my next cycle. Im trying to convince myself this is probably just a cyst which needs a bit of time to settle itself but I cant help worrying and I have spent the whole day googling ovarian cancer (nice with 3 kids running around who I should be playing with!) please someone give me some reassurance, Im not sure how much I can cope with! sometimes this pain spreads right up to my ribs and makes me so scared!!!
please can anyone help me calm down about this?

23-05-15, 19:38
I'm a bloke so hopefully it won't be wasted advice lol.

My missus gets pains like yours to the point where walking sometimes is a no no. She's had them on and off for a long long time.

The GP will be the only one to really put your mind at rest. If you have the test, look at it like this.

1. If you don't you're gonna worry about having something bad and you're gonna worry until someone says "you're all good".

2. You have the test and you're gonna worry untill it comes back all clear.

I'd deffo speak to the GP again for further reassureance. Also get your self some Ibuprofen Lysine (basically FemiMax without the price tag and branding) that usually helps my missus.

Last year I worried myself sick about what I thought was a slightly abnormal mole. I had all the itching and a bit of bleeding but it was nothing. Sometimes you have to do something you don't want to do to make yourself feel better, escpially with anxiety!

If I were you I'd stick the bath on, get a mag or book to read and then go to bed and just chill with the kids and speak to your GP.

23-05-15, 19:41
Thanks for your reply and of course you are right!

23-05-15, 19:47
Just to point out I hope you don't think I'm harsh... just a bloke! But I guess my advice is what I'd do.

23-05-15, 19:53
Not at all, its the advice i keep telling myself! Its just really hard when i can feel it niggling away at me!

29-05-15, 14:17
How are u doing now I'm having the same fears myself x

03-10-16, 13:00
Hi Beckie
I know your post of from last year but I'm just wondering how you are getting on now? Any answers to your symptoms?

I am going though something similar,convinced I have ovarian cancer.
Hope to speak soon x

Pearly queen
03-10-16, 13:56
Emily 93 As someone who's been through the in and outs of vaginal ultrasounds, pelvic ultrasound, ca125 tests, hyteroscopy, not to mention internal examinations and cervical swabs etc, trust me when I say that as hard as waiting for results is, it is better to have everything ruled out. When a pain comes in the area of your ovaries at the same time every month it is most likely hormonal but it does no harm to get checked out. It is amazing how much better you feel even just talking to your Doctor and getting the ball rolling. It is a weight off your mind. And if the worst case scenario arises, you will have got to it early. Bear in mind ultrasound appointments can take a while so go now and you will be that much nearer to sorting things out.

03-10-16, 21:31
I agree on getting the tests done, there is no one that hates waiting for test results more than I do.

When I had female issues, I knew I wouldn't be able to get past this until I had the tests done.

Question? Why would it take awhile to get an ultrasound? It's a simple non invasive test. My dr sent me for one on a Wednesday afternoon, I had it done Friday morning.

Pearly queen
04-10-16, 10:09
Nancy W, waiting lists on the NHS can be long unfortunately.

04-10-16, 21:26
I agree on getting the tests done, there is no one that hates waiting for test results more than I do.

When I had female issues, I knew I wouldn't be able to get past this until I had the tests done.

Question? Why would it take awhile to get an ultrasound? It's a simple non invasive test. My dr sent me for one on a Wednesday afternoon, I had it done Friday morning.

Cos it's free in the UK therefore long waiting times