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24-05-15, 00:31
hi there!

my name is marzia, i'm 18 years old, and i live in edmonton, which is in canada. originally i'm from ottawa. i'm a university student currently.

my dad has really bad ocd, and growing up i experienced him worrying about every little thing. locking the doors, any little noises at night, and worst of all, his health. i remember him being so convinced that he had a brain tumor when i was just a little girl. he talked to me about what it would be like when he was gone, he'd snap at my mom when she'd try to help, yell at the doctor on the phone who tried to tell him it was nothing. this was one of many, many episodes of his and i guess it wore off on me. i developed health anxiety. i don't blame him for his disorder but it's really taken a toll on me throughout my teenage years.

i've been constantly in and out of hospitals since i was 13, insisting i had all these different things. i went to a therapist for a while but had a somewhat traumatizing experience. sometimes i've been so scared of having a terrible disease that i have considered ending my life before it could, just because i get so stressed out in the moment. it's been really rough.

i hope talking about it here helps me change that a little!

24-05-15, 00:37
Hiya kitkats and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

25-05-15, 01:12
It's true that you can pick up on and copy behaviours of parents, especially ones that were so extreme when you were at such an impressionable age. I think it's important to seek help for how you feel aside from these conditions that may have been passed down from your dad. Perhaps trying another counsellor, maybe through your uni?
Don't give up on the fight against your mental health issues :)