View Full Version : New to this

24-05-15, 03:14
Hello, I am new here. I have been Bipolar for many years, but have just recently in the past 2 years started having anxiety. It is getting worse in the past 6 months. I have anxiety a lot at work about things I do (also a perfectionist so if I make a mistake.....anxiety for the day over it) or didn't do or what if's etc. I am working with both a Psychiatrist and a Therapist but right now severe anxiety is a daily occurrance. My mind (also OCD) grabs on to whatever it thinks I need to obsess over for the day and round and round we go until I go to sleep essentially. I do try the therapies my therapist has given me and they help to some extent but don't completely get rid of it. I have Klonopin to take when I need it, but I really think I need something else as this is getting ridiculous. I am also on Wellbutrin and Geodon for my Bipolar as well as Topomax for chronic daily migraines I have been dealing with. In researching over the past few days, I know one thing that I need to do is cut out the diet coke, I am an addict and drink WAY too much of it, so that is something I am going to try and wean myself off of. I was drinking tea every morning but figured out the tannins in it were a migraine trigger. I just recently (past 6 weeks) discussed how bad my anxiety was getting with my psych, and I see her next week to discuss how things are going. She wanted me to work with the CBT and my therapist before switching up meds other than giving me the Klonopin. I just want the anxiety to go away, it exhausts me and even though my migraines are under control (went from daily to not having them for several weeks except hormonal), I am starting to get anxiety migraines. I see my neurologist next week so we will discuss that as well. Anyways I have been browsing the website and found very helpful information so far, I look forward to finding more information and getting over this anxiety. I have totally changed my diet to a healthy one and have lost 87# and 73" off my body in the last 15 months, and I exercise every day which is great therapy and helps some with the anxiety.

24-05-15, 03:19
Hiya cprcheetah and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

24-05-15, 03:41
I can understand how you feel with latching on to a thought and having it race through your mind over and over until bed. It is exhausting. I want to congratulate you on the hard work you have done though, and the exercise and healthy lifestyle. I'm sure you'd be in a worse place without making those changes! Good work!


24-05-15, 16:51
Cprcheetah, while I don't suffer from bipolar or migraines. I certainly understand anxiety. For one thing, the idea of correcting your diet and limiting the caffeine are great, I wish I had that much will power. I do not know if your therapist has suggested this, but I find mindful mediation to be a great help. You simply focus on your breathing, both in and out. Pushing all other thoughts aside. It takes practice, but it can be done.

I find myself focused on the past, the future, but never the right now. By focusing on your breathing, you bring your thoughts into the moment. There are some great material out there of this therapy. I know it has helped me. But the main thing is, you are proactive and you're working to be at peace. So best to you!

24-05-15, 17:15
I lived with a bipolar person so understand what you go through to some extent. Our only problem was we think different so were not compatible.
She has anxiety too and migraines about the same amount. I remember her sleeping all day sometimes. I could not help her with CBT because having been taught as a councillor in the old school we argued. Well no we didn't argue, she just likes to be right and in this case she isn't. The wrong CBT will affect your manic side. Failing in it will affect your depressed side. It would do that to us without bipolar too. I think Klonopin has a long half life which is good. Stay away from ones with a short half life. My preference is and always will be diazepam if I'm going to use it PRN.
I'm impressed you lost weight, good for you.