View Full Version : Testicular Torsion

24-05-15, 08:32
I am a 15 year old boy that has had fears of testicular torsion for the past six months. Back in October while I was doing basketball, I was running and I felt a sudden pain for 1 second, it was a sharp stabbing pain and it was horrible. If I ran it would happen again. I have also had that pain again while sitting down in November, it went after a second though. About two months ago, I went to the doctor's but I was a bit vague, all I mentioned is that I had a pain in my testicle in October and November. I didn't mention the fact that I had abdominal pain for a few hours after the pain in October (Abdominal pain is a symptom of testicular torsion).

I have heard that people that have had testicular torsion should have surgery, I am very scared and have never had surgery before but to stop the worry of having to go through unstoppable pain in my testicle(s) again and a reduced fertility, I would want to have the surgery. I went to the doctor's kind of feeling happy and excited because if he diagnosed me with testicular torsion then I would be able to have the surgery then carry on my life, but when I got back from the doctors, I felt worse because I just messed up my chance.

Now, I am worried because I could have the pain again, I don't know when (It is like a ticking time bomb except I don't know the time). I want to go to the doctor's again and sort out what I am going to say first. But my dad will probably get annoyed and say I won't need to go, the doctor will probably get annoyed too because he might think that I think he isn't a good doctor. To be honest, I would rather go to a urologist but my mother will probably think that I have gone crazy.

I would like some replies on:

What it's like to have testicular torsion surgery (Only if you've had it please)
What it is like to have surgery. General Anaethstetic.
How to persuade my parents to take me to the doctor.
Any other advice.
Anyone that I can talk to.

Please pray that I get everything sorted and I can carry on with my life again.
Thanks for reading this :)
- Lewis :D

24-05-15, 09:30
Hi Lewis,

Did your GP examine your testicles?

Testicular torsion is a medical emergency and from seeing it in TV programmes its quite painful until corrected. This can be by manipulation if I recall correctly (plus later surgery as a preventative measure or it can happen again) and surgery was only where they couldn't resolve it this way.

Given the timespan I can't see it being this because if it had cut off the blood supply, you would be very aware of it by now as it would need surgery at that point.

Anyone who's ever banged their testicles will attest to the fact it is painful and causes abdominal pain.

If you keep experiencing pain for no reason its one for a GP to determine. It could be something as simple as needing more supportive underwear, especially when doing exercises that mean a lot of movement in that region such as running.

Given your age, if you need to talk to someone, if you look on Childline's website you will see that they will talk to you if you need advice on your health and how to handle the situation with your parents. If your parents can't think of a reason, such as the underwear issue, then they should be taking you to your GP anyway as you shouldn't keep getting pain that area.

27-05-15, 23:36
I believe that I have had temporary testicular torsion, I have heard it is possible and if people have it then they are more likely to get testicular torsion in the future. Anyway, I would like to go to the doctor to see what they say. My parents probably would let me go but it would be a bit awkward with my dad because he might get annoyed with me wanting to go again

28-05-15, 15:15
I got booted in the nuts by my cousin when I was 13....yay! testicular torsion!!!

My father had the same at the same age..must be hereditary lol
He lived in Sicily and it was 1958 - they sprayed the area with pure alcohol and syringed his testicle to drain off the fluid!

We're a little luckier....I went to the doc and was in hospital pretty sharpish.
Had an operation the following day, general anaesthetic was nice but I woke up a little groggy...it's like the quickening from highlander, you dont know who you are, what you are or how you got there and then suddenly all your memories return in an overload...brilliant!

they sew the testicle to the scrotum so it cant happen again and it's really not very painful at all after the op, I suppose people might expect it to be.
I had disolving stitches so no problems there and that's about it...apart from lots of junior doctors, nurses and cleaners bein in my cubicle to take a look at my tackle.
My dad was so proud!

Anyways, my testicles were normally the size of a pickled onion....the one which required surgery swelled up to the size of a tangerine.

If yours hasn't or gone black then you're likely safe :winks:

21-01-20, 09:22
Hey mate you still online?