View Full Version : face falling sensation

24-05-15, 10:27
Heya all, i was just wondering if anyone has had or is having similar sensations to me, over tge last five days i have had a weird sort of numbing or tightening on my face, arm leg all left side, it doesnt really hurt it just feels as if its falling or melting (sort of what i think a stroke would feel like) but when i look there is nothing there, i can smile etc but i also get this banging in my chest not at same time but it feels like my heart is beating out of whack. Im scared my limbs left side feel heavy altered somehow sort of like a dead arm as its coming back to life.

Please help if you can

Many thanks panicstricken

24-05-15, 12:00
Hey there!
I've suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for ages and the physical symptoms can be HORRIBLE! I've had the tightening feeling you're talking about, especially if I've just had a bad anxiety spout or a bad day. There is a website that lists over 100 anxiety related symptoms, you'll find it if you look up "list of 100 anxiety physical symptoms".
This has helped me calm down a lot in the past, although if this sensation keeps going and gets annoying, just check it out with your gp to make sure all is good. But the pounding heart is something I ALWAYS get with anxiety. Just try your hardest to relax and make sure you aren't consuming your life by dwelling on it and making it worse! It's a vicious cycle, but if you need someone to chat to about it feel free to message me on here anytime!
I wish you all the relaxation in the world haha :)