View Full Version : Made More Progress Im Last Two Weeks Than Last Two Years

24-05-15, 15:56
Hi everyone,

I've made more progress in the last two weeks than I have in the last two years.

I feel so much more relaxed and confident. I've reached a higher level and understanding of it all.

I'm no longer waiting for the symptoms to go before I do things that I wanna do. Its doing things, keeping gently busy and bringing the symptoms along and letting them be in the background which brings most progress.

I was in the habit of sitting or laying down and practising the method. Waiting for the symptoms to improve. But this method works best when gently occupied in something, when going about your daily life as normal and accepting the symptoms, learning to let them be there!

This is how we learn to not let them matter. Just think about it, if we sit around etc waiting for them to go, aren't we reinforcing the attitude that the symptoms matter?

Going about our days, making a list of things for us to gently do to keep us quietly occupied and accepting the symptoms in the background is what helps us make the most progress!



24-05-15, 16:25
Two key words there, I hope you noticed them , "want" and "gently".

"want to" is in the thread words. And I'm sure everyone is tired of hearing me say recovery is not something you can force.

I'm glad you are better, this really doe's work.

25-05-15, 08:10
Hey Davit,

Yea, it's like Weekes said, I forget what it was exactly, but it was something like, let recovery look after itself. In other words don't force it.

Do you read Dr Weekes' books etc?



25-05-15, 09:23
No I don't we do things different, I'm not a fan of Dr weeks. Actually I'm not a fan of most therapy or CBT. Because most of it really is not CBT. Most of it leaves out the cognitive part which is what cured me. Up till that point I was coping by using coping skills. This is the behavioural part of CBT only.
But this is me, a lot of people like Clare Weeks.
I can do anything without anxiety interfering. Without a single what if or anxious thought and I don't worry about anything anymore.

25-05-15, 09:44
I've read Weekes' books and think they show she had great insight into anxiety.. I think if she was still alive and practising she would have developed even greater insight.

25-05-15, 10:18
Davitt how did you
Beat health anxiety? Could you point me in the right direction