View Full Version : Swimming head/dizzy

24-05-15, 20:53
Hi all

I've suffered anxiety, and especially health anxiety for years but have been 'free' of it for a years and recently it has made an unwelcome comeback. At the moment I am obsessed with dizziness. Every now and again I suffer bouts of vertigo which Dr said is BPPV, that is fine, not pleasant but I know what it is. Today I was sat on the sofa and out of nowhere my head seemed to start to swim, like I was beginning to float or be dizzy, I shook myself and it went, can only have been five seconds max but descended into panic, does anyone else ever just have these few seconds of 'dizzyness'? It isn't like being light headed, I get that often and am fine with it, just hate this floating, head swimming dizzy.

24-05-15, 21:10
Yep i call it the dizzy head thing because im not dizzy to the point of spinning its like the top of my head one side or the other just starts going dizzy for a minute and it can happen while i am washing the pots or just sitting like you just said . Sometimes it goes away for days then it comes back again and if i am in supermarkets and looking at things on shelves i get it then and i have to concentrate on looking at things without moving my head .

It doesn't stop me shopping though :roflmao::roflmao:

24-05-15, 21:13
Thank you for your fast reply:) it is just the thing I am most scared of! I am thinking about dizziness constantly, it never comes with other symptoms, no light headed ness, head ache etc, just a momentary floating/spinning, but not like vertigo. I'm trying to keep a lid on it as my family has had a stressful time the last year but it's beginning to take over again!

24-05-15, 22:25
Thank you for your fast reply:) it is just the thing I am most scared of! I am thinking about dizziness constantly, it never comes with other symptoms, no light headed ness, head ache etc, just a momentary floating/spinning, but not like vertigo. I'm trying to keep a lid on it as my family has had a stressful time the last year but it's beginning to take over again!

You're welcome and i too have a phobia about it , it is anxiety and something that passes with time but also creeps back in whenever we are off guard .

25-05-15, 12:35
O yes!! Take a look at my previous posts...

I will be sat there not doing anything and wosh my head feels floaty like I've just dropped on an aeroplane... It's horrible :( like you it only lasts a few seconds... I've put it down to anxiety as I've had lots of tests. Hope you feel better soon

25-05-15, 14:33
Thanks for the replies, I really appreciate it. It's so difficult to believe this is anxiety again, just sitting minding my own business then bam! Floaty, dizzy feeling! If I was hyperventilating at the time etc I could understand it! I think I worry about dizziness so much as I perceive it as something I can't control, because you can't 'see' it, I automatically consider it as a death sentence!

27-05-15, 15:59
But can somebody explain how it can be like this 24/7? I feel like this 2years.. I had it on and off when it start it will be at least 2months non stop when stop and come again how? All tests good.. I even almost anxious..I can't live like that for the rest off my life..I wil kil myself if it will not stop..

28-05-15, 10:52
Dizzyignas .. did your Doctor say what might be the cause ?..Do you suffer with muscle tension because that's what always starts mine off.