View Full Version : TUMMY BUG??

07-09-04, 12:36
iIthink I may have a bit of a tummy buig but not sure!!!

Yesterday about fourish I was at my work and had the most terrible wind [:I] I went home about an hour later and felt sick and had terribel tummy pains, within about 15 mins i started to feel a bit shaky. I couldn't eat a thing.

Anyway i thought I'm going out to get some fresh air (my partner was at work and the thought of collapsing alone in the house didn't appeal) si i went to my boyfriends mums and had a cup of tea - after which i felt slightly better. I went home got the kids to bed and managed a little to eat (stomach pains all but disappeared)

This morning I was fine and had breakfast and a snack but can feel my stomach getting tight and sore again. i'm going to have some lunch and see how i feel. I hope this isn't a wee bug as can't afford to lose weight - I've only recently managed to start fitting into my size 10 trousers again!!!

What do u guys think!! - I suppose I'll find out soon enough


07-09-04, 14:07
Hi Lucky

Does sound like a bit of a bug to me or it could be a little IBS. I often feel like you do and sometimes it will go for days and then come back. Dr puts it down to IBS or anxiety. Anyway, hope that things are ok after lunch.

It might be worth taking something just to settle your tummy a bit. Maybe some ginger or peppermint tea would help.


07-09-04, 16:52
Hiya Jules,

It is still a bit tight, managed to keep my lunch down (tuna sandwich). It def. feels like a bit of a bug but I hope won't it come to anything - to be honest i think the anxiety i'm feeling is 'normal' ie not wanting to have tummy bug!!

I'll give the peppermint tea a try


07-09-04, 17:10
A bug tends to have diarrhoea added or sickness in order to rid body of toxins.

Sounds like you may have eaten something that your body didn't approve of and it made lots of gas and peristalsis to digest it properly.


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

08-09-04, 12:13
When I eat soup from our canteen my tummy swells up like a football and the gas is unbelievable - def. an intolerance to something they put in the soup!! this was the same pain (and wind) as that but without the footie tummy!!

Can't think of anything I've eaten but the pain is away now so your probably right!!!!!!


09-09-04, 16:42
Glad its over Lucky.

Might be worth asking for a list of ingredients from your canteen if that is a regular occurance with their soup .

They should have them available now for allergy reasons and then you might be able to work out what is the offending substance



09-09-04, 22:51

I too get bloating which leads to anxiety and panic attacks. I firmly believe a lot of people will spend many unhappy months and longer suffering the very horrible effects of food intolerances because they do not know about it.
I'm not a doctor, but a journalist who has explored this angle in a bid to alleviate my symptoms. From what you say it sounds to me that you might be intolerant to an ingredient like wheat, gluten or dairy produce which you will find in many soups. I am intolerant of these 3 things.
I have been carted off to hospital 4 times believing that I was about to die caused by the anxiety and panic attack monster.
Over say a month, record what you eat and jot down any effects you have. Go back to your doctor and show him the results and ask for a skin prick allergy test or a blood food intolerance test or a chat to a nutritionist.
Don't go on to a strict exclusion diet unless you have discussed it with your doctor or a nutritionist, and buy yourself a good book on IBS.
I am 80% better because I went on an approved exclusion diet. The remain 20% requires me to look more closely at what I'm eating, especially when I go out or on my holidays. It can be very difficult to avoid these things without reading labels. Stress and tiredness can also lower your bodies resistance and aggravate IBS.
I wish you luck on your continuing journey.
Best Wishes,

10-09-04, 20:21
I have similar symptoms to you when i leave to go to school. I have terrible wind (blush) and i have a horrible stomach pain, but this is just one of the many other symptoms of my anxiety.

It may just be anxiety lucky, how have you been feeling ,panicky wise.

Hope all is well as i suppose this is rather late, lol

Scooter Girl

if i wa hungry would u feed me, if i fell u you help me up, if i was crying would brush away my tears

11-09-04, 12:19
Sounds to me like a touch of dicky tummy.

It could well have been something you've eaten.

I hope you start to feel better soon.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

12-09-04, 01:17
Hi Lucky

Hope you are feeling a bit better.

Know you are suffering at moment and you obviously need to find out what irritates you.

Do you think cutting out certain foods and see how you feel, might make you feel better.

Cant be easy to know what is making you feel how you are, but maybe trial and error is the only way you can find out what is irritating you.

Love Sal xxxxx