View Full Version : anxiety bout my teeth plz advise

26-01-07, 19:23
Can I ask you all something?
*When you've got your mouth closed, do your lower front teeth touch the back of your upper front teeth or is there a space between them?

*And when your mouth is closed, do your top and bottom back teeth touch?

I might sound silly n crazy - but im bit worried, I'm just trying to find out if I'm the only one who's teeth are where they shouldn't be.

thank you


26-01-07, 19:40
There is different bites so to say. Over bite and that is when you clamp down and my top teeth actually go over my bottom teeth. I'd say a small space. My niece hers actually is the opposite her bottom come over the top and that is not so common. I think the over bite is more common. Any of the three is no worry.
I just went to the dentist and my bite is just fine.



26-01-07, 20:10
I think I can tell you that you're absolutely normal. Usually (which you'll notice if you look at skulls and things like toothy celebrity smiles) the top front teeth actually go over the bottom teeth, and the top and bottom teeth don't line up exactly. Sometimes it is the other way around Generally all the teeth do not touch, apart from a few at the sides which are stronger than the others and can withstand the strength of the muscles in the jaw which could damage the more fragile front ones as these muscles are amongst the strongest in the body, and provide enough gap in the mouth for the tongue not to be constricted (at least that's what I read somewhere). You'll find that when you close your mouth the teeth go to meet and then slide out of alignment with each other. This helps break up food more efficiently.

So don't panic, you're absolutely fine.

26-01-07, 21:13
Everybody is different.
Can't compare one person to another. All my family have different bites. I wouldn't worry about it at all.


27-01-07, 12:27
its called an edge to edge its normal

27-01-07, 17:55
i knw how u feel...ur not being crazy...every1 has worrys about diff things...im worrying about my teeth as well...
