View Full Version : Worried About Hard Palate

24-05-15, 21:16
Since Christmas time I have had a small hard lump about 2-3mm on the right side of the roof of my mouth. It has not grown in size so far as I can tell. I first visited the local GP who wasn't even able to locate it, and then on his recommendation visited my dentist who assured me it was a blocked salivary gland and nothing to worry about. Just so you know, I am riddled with health anxiety. First it was a brain tumour, then melanoma, then this lump on my mouth, then colon cancer, then prostate, then bone cancer etc etc. Recently I have been freaking out about this lump again so two weeks ago I went back to my dentist for both a mouth guard ( I clench my teeth due to stress and have given myself TMJ problems), but also to check the lump. He poked and prodded for ages before reassuring me that it was nothing to worry about, a blocked gland and nothing else. The past week or so I have had a bad cold/flu and i notice that the back of my hard palate just where it meets the soft palate is really tender on the right side. I'm freaking out thinking it's palate cancer and that it's related to the lump. I'm really hoping though that it's just due to my cold. If anyone has had anything similar please help!

24-05-15, 22:54
You know, if your dentist has looked at this lump twice and reassured you that it is only a blocked gland, you can be sure that that is what it is. Dentists are trained to check for symptoms of cancer in the mouth and know exactly what to look for. If he had had the slightest doubt, he would have referred you to a specialist, but he is clearly 100% sure that it is NOT cancer. I hope you can find a way to believe him and put it out of your mind. I know how hard it is, and also how when one fear disappears, another takes its place, which from what you say keeps happening to you. Have you spoken to your GP about these continuing fears and anxiety? If not, it might be an idea to do so, there may be treatments and/or techniques that can help. Best wishes from Annie

24-05-15, 22:59
Hi Annie, thanks for your reply. At the GP practice i use i have pretty much become a common face among all the practitioners and one especially is very considerate and always tells me to come in and get checked out rather than worry. My dentist said whilst he was sure it was nothing serious, he would refer me to an oral specialist if I wanted. I go for another dentist appointment on June 3rd so If the pain is still there by that time i'll bring it up. It's just on my mind all the time and i'm always pressing the tender area with my tongue or fingers. Combined with TMJ symptoms and my cold i don't know what's related to what anymore! I get sore gums, teeth, jaw, head. I just want to feel normal again
Thanks for your reply, Richard

24-05-15, 23:29
I know what you are saying - the constant merry-go-round of fears and potential symptoms wears you down! It is good that you have a sympathetic GP, but more than that, I expect we would all want to be the kind of people who don't assume that every twinge is cancer. "When you hear hoof beats, it is likely to be horses, not zebras!" :D Take up the offer of the specialist opinion if it going to reassure you, but meanwhile do remember that the diagnosis already offered is of something innocent and benign, so try to believe that. Also, if you poke and prod something long enough, it will eventually hurt, even if there is nothing wrong at all.