View Full Version : Hearing voices when fan is on

25-05-15, 07:35
I've noticed recently that I have been hearing what can be described as muffled speech coming from my fan at night. I suffered from GAD with pure O (fear of going crazy/hearing voices) I am not hearing anything coherent but it sounds like something that could be interpreted as talking. Let me emphasise that I am not saying I hear voices but rather I hear sounds that sound like voices. As a kid when i was really tired and all was quiet, I could hear the tv on (even when it wasn't). Some say its common with tinnitus (which i've had since I could remember). Some call it musical ear syndrome (I can hear music when i have my bathroom fan on). Does anyone else have this same experience? I notice it mostly when i'm tired. Every time it happens it triggers my anxiety.


25-05-15, 09:27
Don't worry you're not going mad! I get this too, mainly when I am hoovering the floor and the sounds are the same as yours being muffled voices but mine tend to be more from people who I know.

EDIT: Also when I drop off to sleep, just at the point before you're out I'd sometimes hear my name being called and wake up.

25-05-15, 09:49
I hear my name being whispered in my ear when i'm asleep too and then it wakes me, a few times my brothers voice whispers my name and he died back in 1994 :(

25-05-15, 10:29
im the same when hovering. normal.

25-05-15, 10:36
Part of the fight or flight response is to sharpen senses and I wonder whether we notice things that we would otherwise not have. I'm not sure on the voices but definately some noises I have thought I heard and definately shapes in peripheral vision are something I have had.