View Full Version : HELP! Panicked over abdominal aneurysm :(

25-05-15, 08:21
Yep Im back again with more aneurysm worries, my symptoms started out as a lopsided stomach after appendectomy a month ago and since then its gone downhill since I looked up that one symptom and I seemed to match every single bloody symptom for an abdominal aneurysm. Sometimes I feel fine, other times I feel sick and horrible. I have let this fear take over the last 2 weeks of my life. I've had moderate abdominal pain, chest pain and pretty bad back pain as well as leg pain which I have all had MILDLY before with anxiety. I've had 5 doctors feel my stomach, a chest xray, an abdominal xray and an ecg, would all this pick something up? I went to the ER with abdo pains last week and the doctor told me my inflammatory levels were a little high but that was okay since I had a cold at the time. They're meant to be 1-5 but mine were 20. This is what worries me, that they aren't picking it up because of my age. Im only 15 and I know its unlikely but I literally have all the symptoms. Im not very thin but if i push in hard enough i can feel my pulse under my belly button but not anywhere else! I am also getting a pin prick sensation in my chest, which I read could also be a symtom of an aneurysm. I know i should stop googling and I know I sound desperate but I kinda am, my mum is starting to get impatient with me, she insists I'm fine but i do not feel fine, but i can't tell whether my anxiety is causing these symptoms or if these are real symptoms causing anxiety. Someone provide me with some reassurance!!

25-05-15, 20:48
Hi panic pro,
It's unlikely that you'll have an aneurysm from an appendicitis.
In fact they're totally unrelated.

After my apendix burst and the following gangrene and septicaemia I ended up in a hospital bed with my stomach stapled from my happy sack to my belly button.
My gut had pretty much been taken out and washed and slapped back in again.
I had a drip in each arm. Two tubes coming out of my stomach to drain any other infection away, a catheter in and really not in a good state.
My bowel didn't start working again for 4 days.

I went home after 5 with my stomach still weeping puss and then slept for a day solid.

The following day my girlfriend came round and I decided a little exercise was a good idea.
For a long time after I had a pulsing visible on my stomach wall, like palpitations but in my abdomen.

That was 10 years ago.

Appendectomy is usually minor surgery these days, try to just relax and not obsess about what could be wrong.

As said if you get a fever then definitely go to a&e but don't wait for it to happen and worry about what if.

Try to enjoy yourself in things you like to do and work out ways to be better instead of worse.

Kindest wishes

25-05-15, 22:31
With your tests they would have picked it up, also if it was as bad as you think it is they would feel it in your upper abdominal area.
Its very rare and even rarer in under 65 year old men and even rarer in women. :-)

26-05-15, 01:35
Hi there,

Hopefully this reassures you- if I push down hard enough underneath my belly button,
I can feel a pulse, too! And I'm not super thin, either.

If they were doing an abdominal xray to look for an aneurysm then it absolutely would've been picked up. As I said last time, the aorta is the largest blood vessel in the whole body, so you're going to feel it pulsing. I asked both my parents if they could feel their pulse in their abdomen without touching it if they concentrated- they could and one of them is not thin.

I think when it says a pulsating abdomen is a symptom, it'd be visibly doing so all the time, strongly enough that the doctors would have seen it and sent you for further testing.

As Daniele has said, there is no correlation between your surgery and an aneurysm forming. If they thought your blood tests were concerning, they simply wouldn't have discharged you. They have a duty of care over you and would frankly get into too much trouble if something happened to you for them to release you if they had any doubts over your condition.

Hope you feel better soon :)

29-05-15, 08:03
Thankyou guys, you really made me feel a lot more secure!! Thankyou all so so much for your kindness ❤️❤️