View Full Version : Wedding nerves

26-01-07, 21:31
Hi all

Its only 3 weeks untill my wedding now. I bought some Kava Kava as I have read they are really good for my panic attacks! Has anyone else tried them? How long before my wedding do I start taking them for them to fully work? And is it ok to have a couple of glasses of Champagne with them? Any other advice on how to controll my panic on the day? I cant wait to get married but I am so nervous of having an attack!

26-01-07, 21:39
Hi There


Dont worry about your wedding it will be fine

I got married when my panic attacks were chronic and I was fine you will be so caught up in the day and your lovely new hubby you will not have time to panic I promise!!!!

As far as I know alchohol is fine with natural remedies

Have you tried rescue spray for any dodgey moments???

I told the registrar at my wedding what my problems were and they were very understanding

Hope I have helped a bit and good luck.....you will be just fine:D

luv kaz x x x


20-02-07, 04:20
I am getting married [second time] in June and just talked to my therapist today. I am terrified even though it is going to be SO small and in a cafe just to accomodate my fear. My therapist and I realized that my panic is always around feeling trapped without an escape. I get panic attacks on planes, at the dentist and in situations where I would be embarrassed to leave. Obviously I can't just 'go to the washroom' or leave in the middle of my own wedding now can I? I feel your fear. What we are doin in therapy is starting with thoughts of things that stress me a little [work] and moving to things that stress me more and more. Each time I have to imagine it, feel the stress and then calm myself. I hope it works! Good luck with your wedding as well. J

20-02-07, 14:23
Hi Bride2b

Congrats on your wedding. Please try and not worry about it because believe me you'll have a fantastic time. I've been married nearly 2 years and can honestly say that my wedding day was probably the calmest day that I've had in the last five years. Whilst everyone else were running round like headless chickens, I was calm. People even commented on it. I had the best nights sleep I'd had for months the night before, despite being convinced that I wouldn't get a wink. I thought that I'd panic, faint etc, but none of that happened. I got so tied up with everything that was happening that I just had the best of times. You won't have time to think any of those negative things. Just remember you're the bride and nothing can happen without you.Ok you might have butterfies before the ceremony but I bet your husband to be will be more nervous. Mine was, his hands were so sweaty I could hardly get the ring on lol. I

Try and enjoy each second and treasure the day, cos it's over in a flash.
Let me know how you get on

26-07-11, 07:31
CONGRATULATIONS, i got married 4 weeks ago and was worried sick about having an attack, but ya knwo what there is so much going on in the day you wnt have time to even think about having one, i was petrified on walking dwn the isle but i saw my husband to be and knew i was safe you will be fine hun honestly try and enjoy your day as much as poss it fly's by x