View Full Version : Therapist opinions - may cause mixed feelings

26-01-07, 21:52
Good Evening,

Firstly to introduce myself, my name is John and I am a CBT Therapist from Wolverhampton, I have been made aware of your site by a patient so hope you dont mind my presence, Firstly I see a group of people who offer over whelming support to each other however I would like to raise the question as to how many of you become too involved with this site and despite best intentions are hindering your recovery? I have worked very closley for several years with anxiety sufferers and despite my advice of accecptance, from experience to become too involved in a forum can trigger symtpoms of anxiety, by reading others symptoms, picking up on them, thinking you have them too! Please be careful that you dont make this site your life, If you constantly read, read ,read anxiety you will live it, Give yourselves a break. go for a walk, a day out with the kids. Distraction is the key, and sorry to be blunt but even though it is great of gaining re-assurance I have concerns that you seem often afraid to challenge the owner of this site and are saying comments to keep others happy or to say what will gain others approval of you? Anxiety does not have to control every thought, be a routine to log into here, when you have an attack the first steps are to believe you have anxiety, it will pass, accecpt the syptoms, ride with them, they are symptoms, they will pass and will do you no harm, do not fight it, do not live it, for all those hours sat in front of a PC you CAN be living you life,

Good luck to all (Any thoughts? - Just for info I suffered clinical depression with 2 suicide attempts along with anxiety for 5 years, I now am free, you can be too)



26-01-07, 22:13
Hi John

I think you will find most of us here do live a life!!!

We dont spend 24 hrs a day on here!!!!

But it is a nice place to come when you need support and the cbt people dont do an emergency service do they????

And a lot of us here have recovered and hang around to help others and chat to the people we have formed bonds with!!!

Have a look under the meet up section!!!!

We do meet in real life too!!!!

best wishes



26-01-07, 22:18
Hi John,

I don't think there are many members that would spend all day glued to this site!

We all have lives and responsabilities and this site has helped me enormously with my recovery and acceptance! Providing me with an avenue of support in my darkest hours! Something my GP is unable to do!!

I still go to work, run my house, read, listen to music, go out and meet friends!

If I feel that I need a break from this site then I take it!

As to your thinking that people are afraid to challenge the admin of this site you are very wrong! There have been posts doing just that and the items brought up have been discussed and addressed! Members have not been banned or victimised for airing their views so I hope this addresses your concerns.

While I am very glad that you are now free from your anxiety and clinical depression, I personally find your first post a little sactimonious and you would not be a therapist that I would feel comfortable with when you possess such a judgemental view of things

I am sure there will be other replies to your post and this is just my personal views, maybe if you spent a little longer on this site you would realise that it is peoples recovery that motivates us all


26-01-07, 22:22
From the way the post is written, I doubt that you are a CB therapist!


26-01-07, 23:03
Hi John.

I'm new to the site, though I did read a little of the posts before joining, and already it is helping me to feel better about myself.

However I do think that you have raised a good point as this is a period of psychological anguish for many of us, and it's impossible to predict how it may affect some people. There is a danger that people may even become reliant upon the forums, especially as many, myself included, are agoraphobic.

However I believe the forum is nothing but helpful and the chances of the site having an adverse affect are remote, but if someone may feel that the only place they are understood is here and thatthey cannot function without the forums that cannot be helpful. We have to make sure that we are not harming ourselves of course, but everyone here is committed to helping themselves and each other, and it is a great place to turn when you feel isolated and need someone who understands. After all, what other places can you go to at 3am where they can allay your fears, and you can get it off your chest. A&E departments keep you hanging about all night, and they are overstretched as it is, and more often than not family members who have not experienced these problems just will not understand.

Please remember, though, that no one is here to make anyone feel worse about themselves, and reassurance is very forthcoming, so your fears are almost as unjustified as ours! (and I mean that in a nice way folks!)

26-01-07, 23:39
Well John

I'm a senior staff nurse and specialise in the care of people who need organ transplants - i also suffer from anxiety.

Sites such as NMP have been my lifeline over the past year - despite having a CPN, a psych, a therapist and the crisis team (don't worry i'm not working at the mo guys, lol) out to see me for a 2 week period i have had more support and encouragement from fellow sufferers than i've had from any professional.

Maybe some people do become over reliant on sites such as this - but doesn't this indicate a fault in 'the system' rather than a fault in the sufferer? 24 hours every day is a long time in comparison to 1 hour a week when we are supplied with therapy in my case after waiting for 7 months.

I personally don't pick up anxiety from reading others posts i know what my problems are and when the anxiety occurs.

27-01-07, 00:13
Hi John,

I think it is a good question to raise, if only to make us stop and think.

I found this site when I was on a NHS waiting list for 10 months - it was like a breath of fresh air for me. Like many others on here, it has given me reassurance and support and some special friendships. These are valuable as even people's own families and close friends are unable to give the emotional support we require.

I am one of the moderators on this site, but as we are part of a team, I feel I have no obligation to read every thread or post and don't. In fact there are times when I feel unable to do so at all because I'll hit a bad mental phase.

A great many people here do have a life beyond this site and I fully promote that, whether it be going out to work, being busy at home, having a hobby and such. Its very unfortunate that the NHS cannot give an adequate level of support when the costs of therapy privately are beyond the reach of many. People see this as a lifeline because there is nowhere else to go.

True, it's not good to be glued to any web site for long periods and I believe it is healthy to have a varied and balanced life as far as that is possible. And within that comes support and friendship, two of the cornerstones of No More Panic.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

27-01-07, 00:38
Hi John,

An interesting view and a similar discussion is ongoing on another thread at the moment amongst other members.

There is some validity in what you are saying. However, I believe that generally people first find the site when they are most needy. As they come to realise that they are not alone and learn some of the facts behind anxiety, it helps with the process of acceptance. Gradually, people begin to feel strong enough to provide support and empathy to others. We all know that anxiety takes time to overcome and many get a measure of their own progress by their interactions with others on the forum. As recovery continues, some people still visit friends on the site often, some infrequently and some leave altogether - whatever suits.

Unfortunately, I believe your message is somewhat hindered by your comments about members being scared of challenging the site owner. Not quite sure what you think they should be challenging, or why you feel that such challenges would be beneficial to anyone. You seem to be encouraging negative behaviour.

Finally, if you really believed that being in touch with people with anxiety is counterproductive to recovery, then I ask how you yourself can justify CBT therapy for a living, having suffered mental health problems in the past - seems rather contradictory. Double standards in fact.

None of the members or admins need to justify their level of input on the site. I understand your concerns, which seem to relate to a particular client of yours, but I'd suggest focussing on the job in hand rather than trying to counsel the whole NMP membership via a forum message ;)


27-01-07, 00:43



27-01-07, 14:33
Thanks for taking the time to reply,

In response

1) Totally agree with the Support mechanism of this site, set up by a fantastic lady I believe who has gained a lot of respect from a lot of people,

2) NHS treatment for anxiety I agree is a let down for anxiety sufferers with as much frustation from the mental heatlh staff as for the sufferers, too little funding, too little time to do the job we want to do, the waiting lists are dire, as im sure medical staff from varying fields would also agree.

3) My concerns however are how many times a day, a week, a month do you log onto here as a ritual? Anxiety is based on habit forming behaviour, I am interested how many of us (Yes I am one of you, been there through the darkest of moments so do understand the anguish guys) log on to support sites as part of our own habit forming behaviour? Do you have a trigger in your mind that says "right time to check no more panic!" just as we check a pulse rate, a hearth beat, if we are still breathing? I believe for some people (am not saying all, we are all different) it can be a dependency, Do you sneak a peak from the office, if your PC is down check from an internet cafe? On Holiday or by Mobile google? If the answer is yes then the question I raise is this a healthy interest or is it forming part of the anxiety package?

Your thoughts and replies would be much apprecaited, I am not trying to put down the good work done on here just raising the question is there a time in receovery when we need to let go?

As for the 24 hour avaialbiity, I would be pleased to trial with a member in my area free counselling sessions, 24 hour telphone contact to me, with no internet support for 6 weeks (need to be from March onwards due to family issues at present, and would need you to visit me at the healthcare trust initially for saftey purposes etc)



27-01-07, 15:08
Why would you suggest such a thing? Why when you don't know anyone on this site, or really know what they are suffering (I know you have had probs, but everyone's probs are uniquie) would you offer to be a 24hour telephone counsellor?
What is there in that for you? I could understand if it was someone whom you had built up a relationship with over a period of time, but a stranger? Even with meeting them beforehand, I think that is taking altruism a bit too far.
24 hours a day, counselling for one individual? You really aint thought that one through. Or possibly you have and realise there are many people who use this site, to whom that would seem like a golden opportunity?
I am sorry, but I think your suggestion is odd to put it mildly. A therapist will be well aware of the need to maintain boundaries between themselves and client. I think you maybe need to question your motivation for this. There can become a danger of the need being on the part of therapist.
If I was aware of who you were and what Health Care Trust you worked for, I would be raising my concerns with them. I however, have my doubts that you are either a therapist or working for any healthcare trust.


"Today is the day before tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day." wisdom of my daughter!

27-01-07, 15:15
Hi John

Some of your points are very valid. Your concerns about habit forming are also valid.
I would suggest that it is down to the individual. People shouldn't depend on this site. This site should be used as a tool to aid recovery. The advice and support offered here is second to none. I have called many helplines and tried to get help for my condition from most of the obvious place with no joy at all. This leaves you very frustrated that no-one understands your plight or is willing to commit to helping you.
To understand your symptoms and to be reassued that you are not the only sufferer is vital. This site provides both information on the symptoms and it offers the chance to talk to others who are going through a similar time to you.
Individuals may be sat in front of their computers for long periods of time but maybe there is a reason for that. I agree everyone should get on with living their lives but it is harder for some than it is for others.
I would say this site is a fantastic support mechanism and i'd agree that the NHS treatment for anx is poor/bad in general. Luckily for me i have an understanding GP and dogged determination to help myself become who i was.
Finally, I would say i've met some interesting, intelligent and caring people on this site. I wish i could meet them all in person rather than on the web. For i would surely call them friend.

Good post. I would say a balance has to be stuck. This site should be part of an anx sufferers life but i'd agree it shouldn't dominate it.

All the best


27-01-07, 16:44
Thanks for taking the time to apply.

Happyone, I am little offended by your suggestions and am saddened that you believe that evryone who offeres something does this for the benefit of themselves. Money is not my driver in life neither is recognition.

I was offereing my experiences from working with people and from my own experiences to give someone a varied option of recovery (at there own choice I may add and would obvioulsy allow myself to be validated first), I entered this site with a knowledge that I would meet opposition (hence the title) however find some comments very constructive while others totally on the defence,

If no one on this site feel the routine or need to visit then I take back all of my comments but still believe that some people are reliant and anxiety feeds from it,

Any more thoughts welcome, have a good evening all

Best wishes


27-01-07, 17:35
I am not usually such an argumentative person but I stand by everything that I said. I didn't even think about money being your driver my thoughts were on a more sinister line. Someone who comes on the net and offers 24 hour contact with people is either not very wise, extremely naive or in my opinion, rather scary.
People prey on vulnerable. If this is not the case then great but I would advise anyone to steer well clear of an anonymous person coming onto a panic site to offer what many of us would love to have. Nowhere are the streets paved with gold. I do not believe any geuine therapist would offer to do such a thing without getting to know the potential people first, and NOT on a meeting at some health care practice. I am just one person with anxiety depression who is suspicious of you and your intentions, were you a therapist, or at least an experienced one, you would be aware that suspicion, fear, paranoia are part of the parcel and I emphasise i really believe you would NOT offer such a thing on a 2nd post on a community forum.
John, I 'work' with people too, when I work and I know I would never ever in a million years suggest such an off the wall thing.
I didn't agree or disagree with your point about reliance. You have a point.

"Today is the day before tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day." wisdom of my daughter!

27-01-07, 17:59
I attend a private therapist on a regular basis and like any sensible person I checked out his credentials before going ahead - for example he was a member of one of the recognised professional bodies. It is also very important that any client is comfortable with the therapist and their approach.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

27-01-07, 18:09
I agree.
You give a far more eloquent solution to not knowing who someone is than me and my mad impulsiveness.[:I]
Very very important to check things out.

"Today is the day before tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day." wisdom of my daughter!

27-01-07, 18:18
Hi John

Well a few issues have been raised from your initial post - interesting to read.

I am still confused about ...

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I have concerns that you seem often afraid to challenge the owner of this site </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Why would people want to challenge me and what about?

I don't understand that comment.

Also, I have been unable to find you registered with the BABCP. Are you registered with any recognised bodies?


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

28-01-07, 11:25
Nicola / All

Please accecpt my apologies, my intention was not to single you out and my choice of words poor, My comment was more raised at the "leaders" as in senior members / admin rather than one person and think you done a top job by the way, please dont take this post as critisism, just opening for a debate and if I am proved wrong in my thoughts then more the better just please guys dont shoot me down just yet!

I feel some people (may be wrong and am open to the challange! heatlhy debate and different veiws make the world an interesting place!) tend to be followers of stronger personalities, i.e may be agreeing to views and do not have the confidence to challenge for fear of confrontation? therefore are not benefiting from internet support,

The reason I offered the 24 hour support was in reponse to a point raised that the NHS dont offer good out of hours support (and very often not too great during hours), I dont not do private work as my time outside of work does not allow due to commitments,

Nicola - am recognised by BABCP on an NHS only basis, would you maybe allow me to email by details to you to do the relevant checks?

Happyone, take on board your comments and it may be wise for me to withdraw comments of off site disucssions at least until Nicola has completed necessary checks,

On a lighter note, One of the first things I thought of this morning upon awaking was to check the NMP Site for responses!! How strange how the human mind works that I was doing sub-consiously what my post topic was suggesting! [:I]

Have a good day all


28-01-07, 11:56
HI John

"I have worked very closley for several years with anxiety sufferers and despite my advice of accecptance, from experience to become too involved in a forum can trigger symtpoms of anxiety, by reading others symptoms, picking up on them, thinking you have them too! Please be careful that you dont make this site your life, If you constantly read, read ,read anxiety you will live it..."

I totally agree with your posting coming on to this forum can become addictive. I feel this has happened to me. Also reading about others' symptoms can have problems. I had no problems with driving until I read certain threads on here and then driving became an issue.

Fortunately for me I am now well and feel I can do all the things that I used to do i.e drive, shop, concerts university etc. however i still feel drawn back here. My family have even said "stop going on to that forum you don't need it."

Having read this thread I am going to take your advice and say goodbye and thanks to all who have helped and supported me when I needed it.


28-01-07, 12:06
Bye Chillx!!!!

Hope it all works out for you:D:D:D

Luv Kaz x x


28-01-07, 14:40
Bye Chillx and good luck to you. Hope your good health continues.

Kay x

28-01-07, 14:52
NHS waiting list for CBT where I live, 2 years. This site helps where the NHS does f*ck all. Sorry to be blunt.

I accept that "some" people may just read this site and some may put anxiety as the focus of their life, but we all have lives and most have groups and things we attend. Yes, getting out is good, doing things, making a difference is good, and so is this site, they are all a support.

Blue -
"Your truth is better for you than someone else's. Just get to know what it is, so you can finally own it, and speak it."

28-01-07, 16:17
As a new member to this forum I found these posts interesting. I have looked at the site everyday since I joined about 5 days ago mainly to gain knowledge about different symptoms etc. I woulddn't say that it is any more 'addictive' than what a lot of people do on their PCs everyday, that is to check their e-mails on a regular basis - I know a lot of non sufferers who talk about having to check their mail and that it distracts them from other tasks.

I don't see looking at this site as any more addictive than a lot of pc based interests. Not sure about developing additional symptoms having read about them as I thought symptoms were based on learnt behaviour through experience?

I shall continue to look at the site on a regular basis as I find it interesting and motivating.

If I ever get as bad as my teenager's addiction to msn etc then I will start to worry - I think there is a point to be made about addictive habits on the pc in general and not just this forum.

Rufus xx

28-01-07, 18:48
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
If I ever get as bad as my teenager's addiction to msn etc then I will start to worry - I think there is a point to be made about addictive habits on the pc in general and not just this forum.

Rufus xx

<div align="right">Originally posted by rufus - 28 January 2007 : 16:17:49</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Yes I think that sums it up nicely for me too Rufus - you should see what I'm like about e-bay (now that is scary)!!! :)

Piglet x

28-01-07, 19:05
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">On a lighter note, One of the first things I thought of this morning upon awaking was to check the NMP Site for responses!! How strange how the human mind works that I was doing sub-consiously what my post topic was suggesting! [:I]

Have a good day all


<div align="right">Originally posted by JOHNSTUBBS - 28 January 2007 : 11:25:55</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

This made me smile - perhaps you are getting some of the NMP sense of community that the rest of us feel. While I take on board the point you were originally trying to make, the site stopped being just about anxiety for me ages ago!

Welcome to the site John!

Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

28-01-07, 19:45

I must have missed this message when it was first posted but after reading it i felt a HUGE urge to "Justify" the reasons on visiting NMP.

I myself am agoraphobic, currently i am unable to go out alone, i have no friends or interaction with the outside world other than my PC. I personally log on here daily to see how others are getting on, I want to know how people are feeling, whether their day is good or bad and also i know i can come here and offload all my concerns - which is surely a good thing, no? You can get an honest response from people that deal with the same kind of issues as you. Family DON'T react in the right way, because they don't live with fear and anxiety, whereas my fellow NMP'ers do!!!!!!

If i came here a 100 times a day i would not feel like i was doing anything wrong or hindering my recovery in any way ;)


28-01-07, 23:07
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">however I would like to raise the question as to how many of you become too involved with this site and despite best intentions are hindering your recovery? I have worked very closley for several years with anxiety sufferers and despite my advice of accecptance, from experience to become too involved in a forum can trigger symtpoms of anxiety, by reading others symptoms, picking up on them, thinking you have them too! Please be careful that you dont make this site your life, If you constantly read, read ,read anxiety you will live it,
<div align="right">Originally posted by JOHNSTUBBS - 26 January 2007 : 21:52:53</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi John,

I don't usually post on controversial threads as it makes me anxious lol so I'm not going to go into any of what others have said in that respect.

With regard to the quote I have posted above from your post though I would like to say I have been told the same as you said by two CBT therapists now. I first had anxiety four years ago (partly related to the illness ME in my case as this illness can cause you to release adrenalin). However the first time I had CBT, after 8 sessions, I was near enough "cured" and got on with my life. Some 18 months later a few things contributed to me becoming anxious again. That was when I found this site. Initially I felt relief at seeing so many others who understood how I felt and being able to say they had the same symptoms etc and the information here is just brilliant. Soon I was coming here several times every day, it was always the first thing I did after getting in from work etc, I was totally addicted. I have to add that I know it's my fault I let myself become too addicted, it is in no way the site or people here I blame for that. I also read alot of posts and so many of them triggered my anxiety as I would then wonder did I have what was mentioned too, or I would sometimes get the symptoms just from reading about them. I was told to leave the site by my CBT lady but just couldn't. In the end I decided to stop reading other peoples posts (especially the symptoms ones) and concentrate on just my own post). At one point I even asked Nic is she could block my username so I couldn't come on but decided not to do that. As I got over anxiety so quickly the first time I have questioned whether being here every day still has kept it going at all, I guess I'll never know really but can relate to what you say about that. I have had periods of weeks when I've not been here, holidays, moving house etc and I was fine when I can't get on here (and in the past my anxiety was less when I wasn't here) so I think I'm not as addicted now but as soon as I have access to a computer I am back again.

Anyway now time has gone on I am still here but these days I am more relaxed about coming here. I come here now because I want to rather than because I feel I have to in my addicted way. Like Piglet said I even forget it's an anxiety site sometimes as I mainly come here to catch up with the wonderful friends I have made here. I can now read symptoms posts and only rarely am I triggered now although I am careful. It is a difficult one as part of my treatment for health anxiety is not to totally avoid health related things but my CBT lady does think this site doesn't help me, particularly if I use it for reassurance as treatment for health anxiety involves stopping all asking for reassurance and all safety behaviours. On my regular post now I have asked al my friends to stop giving me reassurance, which I and they have found hard, but it has really helped as otherwise you can end up needing more and more reassurance and that just feeds into the whole anxiety cycle and makes it all worse.
I'd also hate to lose touch with the friends I

28-01-07, 23:16
Lisa well done mate on posting on a 'hot' topic - that was brave of you as I know that you never do normally.

You have nothing to worry about, you have expressed your views in a polite sensitive articulate way at which no one at all could take offence at.

Well done hun - proud of you!!!

Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

28-01-07, 23:19
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Lisa well done mate on posting on a 'hot' topic - that was brave of you as I know that you never do normally.

You have nothing to worry about, you have expressed your views in a polite sensitive articulate way at which no one at all could take offence at.

Well done hun - proud of you!!!

<div align="right">Originally posted by Piglet - 28 January 2007 : 23:16:40</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Thanks mate :D. I hope everyone else sees it that way.


29-01-07, 00:32
I agree with what Rufus said about computer usage generally. I'm on mine way too much by normal standards, but it's how I make my living. When I win the lottery, I probably shan't bother :-)

However, sometimes I do get tired eyes and start to misread things. Like when I see this thread, I read it as:

"Therapist onions - may cause mixed feelings"...

Hehe ;)

Eeb x

29-01-07, 12:21
Hi John,

Despite the conflict that this issue has caused - I would like to say that it has been very interesting to read.

I have very mixed feelings on this topic - I can see where everyone who has replied is coming from, and I don't really like arguments or things so I'm just going to say this -

First of all, before I get started- I have noticed that lots of replies have really big words in them - which a lot of you who know me will know that I don't understand some of them LOL (eh Mandy??) So if I say something which is completely wrong it is probably because I have not understood what is meant (thats my excuse anyway ;))

Ok, well I feel personally that I have become quite attached to this site and the members who are on it. One thing that I lack in my life is support and understanding - and I feel that these play a huge part in recovery of problems that we have. Also, just talking to people who have the same problems is really beneficial as you feel less alone and can also help each other. I don't know about the rest of you but I get more satisfaction through giving rather than receiving (as far as support etc goes).

I do admit - that this site is a huge part of my life at the moment and I'm well known for all my habits that I have. However, I am having quite a tough time just now and cannot talk to anyone about what is wrong that I know personally. So, this place gives me the chance to get all my feelings out - it is better to get them out, rather than keep them locked up inside (which is what I would have to do if I wasn't a member here).

I, for one have to say that I am unable to function properly due to my anxiety, panic attacks and depression - I don't work, I have been asked to leave college due to not attending because of it etc, my life is very limited at the moment and I really struggle with leaving my house - as do many other members here. The one thing I do is coach but only 2 hours a week - that is all I can manage right now.

Another very true fact that I have learnt from coaching that I do and from having worked with children in a nursery and having spoken to people etc is that praising people for good things that they manage to do is a very important aspect in recovery and for progression. No-one that I know personally understands the problems that I have, so therefore don't know how big a deal some things are. However, on here people do understand and it brightens up your day if you do something well and get told how well you have done! It makes you want to do more and makes you feel really good about yourself! Motivation is very important.

So, I understand what everyone is saying and it's healthy to have mixed feelings. I apologise if I have misunderstood anything, feel free to let me know if I have. It really wouldn't surprise me if I have LOL :D

I think the one thing that we all need to remember is that everyone has different situations and different ways of dealing with our problems. This site might be more beneficial for one person than it is for another. I think we just need to concentrate on what helps and what is useful for us. We just need to do what makes us happy at the time and distract ourselves from unwanted feelings. If that is talking to people - then so be it. What is different from talking to people in the same room or talkin to them over a phone or computer? It's still talking, and lets face it - helping.

This site was here when I really needed someone to talk to, and has given me support that doctors etc can't. So I am very grateful.

Thankyou for raising this issue John - it was as I said really interesting and made me think about a lot of things. Things that I wouldn't normally have taken into consideration.

Also, I must admit - I think I probably do spend too long at the computer sometimes. But I'm blaming it on you guys as you are all too nice and I love talking to you :D STOP BEING SO NICE TO ME!! LOL!! :D I'm just kidding.

Anyway, sorry for blabbing on a bit, just wanted to give you my personal opinion.

John, feel free to com

29-01-07, 13:40
Super post Louise :D

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

29-01-07, 14:16
Hi John, this was the exact point I was making in this thread :

A Big Thank You to Nomorepanic Forum (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=16932)


29-01-07, 14:26
It's a real balancing act.

One thing that doesn't help is a features desperate media with more time and pages to fill than makes sense for anybody!

They cause half the problems in the way they portray "facts" and issues related to health in my opinion.

29-01-07, 18:53
John - yes please send me your details through.



People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

29-01-07, 19:37
Hi John

Ive just read this thread and found it very interesting and also how other people have reacted to the questions raised.

I can only speak on a personal level, but I have found this site a lifeline on many occasions in the past. Much more recently I visit the site to give support and to catch up with friends as I am well aware that reading about anxiety can add immensely to my thoughts. I have to be particulary "choosy" about what threads I read - and that is the point I am making - WE ALL HAVE CHOICES - about what to read and what to respond to.

I do have a life - because for me I need to go out and face my fears on a daily basis as sitting in front of a PC is not my answer - but it may be a coping method for some other people.

What does amaze me though is you seem to have little compassion or empathy for fellow sufferers who at this moment in their recovery feel the need to use this site often - and as you are a therapist I find that quite concerning.

I have suffered for 10 years and know what Hell people are going through - I am well on the road to recovery but I am realistic in knowing the techniques to keep me on the path - some of us will never be completely free - but learning to accept this and use positive coping methods will help greatly. I enjoy life and love the challenges that life throws my way - its a learning curve.

Also I will add, if you read through some of my responses to threads, you will see that if I have a comment to make I will say what I think - I definelty dont say things to please the owner of the site or make others happy - I add comments constructively and give hope to others. In return I am full of inspiration when reading about peoples acheivements as we as so much stronger and courageous than we think.

Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving