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View Full Version : Wife has cramps but period ended last week

25-05-15, 18:35
My wife is 41 and reasonably healthy. She just finished her last period about a week ago, but last night woke up with pretty bad cramping localized on the lower left side. She says it feels a lot like menstrual cramps, and she has them bad during her period. (Like double you over on the floor bad).

Anyway, she is extra terrified because in two weeks we have a fairly non refundable trip to England planned, and I am just worried in general.

For the women who have gone through it, could this perimenopause? WoTried about all sorts of bad things of course, as I seem to never Google my own maladies but Seem to be unable to help myself when it comes to others. I now fear ovarian cancer of course, or at the very least this trip (my Xmas present to her) will be ruined.

Ugh. Thanks for letting me vent a bit.

25-05-15, 18:43
Hi could it be kidney stones, that seems to stop and start as it does it when the stone is moving from kidney to bladder.
I hope you get your trip and enjoy it

25-05-15, 18:45

Try not to google. There could be a big list of causes for lower stomach cramps, does she suffer from IBS or have any bowel problems?

It could be something she has ate or even just a 24 hour bug, was there any sickness? I'm assuming the cramps have stopped now

25-05-15, 18:55
No, sadly it is like her menstrual cramps and have continued. She took midol and will go in to the doctor tomorrow if they do not go away. It is specific to the lower left side of her abdomen.

I am sure it will be fine, but you know how it goes.

25-05-15, 19:29
It could be ovulation with the timing of it. I know some months I get a really bad pain for a couple days with ovulation. Hope she feels better soon.

25-05-15, 19:33
I'm 42 and had this last month very very low down on the left and it was so bad I had to be sent home from work. As it was during my period I didn't worry too much but I've got it again this month and had it a few days leading up to my period.

I'm also wondering if it's perimenopausal linked as I've had quite a few scans over the last few years so trying not to worry but if mine continues I will go to the doctor.

Sorry I can't offer any advice on what it is but just wanted you to know your wife isn't alone and maybe it is to do with age/menopause etc. I did read periods can be more painful in the lead up to menopause but I've also heard endometreosis presents on the left side more often that the right and I know that can cause severe pain on one/both sides.

Let us know how your wife gets on.