View Full Version : Is there hope out there?

25-05-15, 21:44
I began sertraline last monday to help reduce my anxiety, I am one week in now and I am probably worse. I know with SSRI's that they take a long time to work. I went out for a walk to clear my head and get out of my house and about 100m from my home I broke into floods of tears, I think this anxiety has left me a bit depressed. When i'm not anxious I'm depressed. Is there anyone out there who have taken sertraline and experienced such side effects? When i'm not anxious, i'm depressed. I am however very determined to stick this out. Does this seem a good idea?

Side effects:
return of depersonalisation

25-05-15, 21:48
Sertraline is one of the easier ones to take, I have probably tried them all, but this and pregabalin which I take have been by far the kindest on my system.

I did feel a bit off quite often when I started them, but it will pass and they will help you, just hang in there and it will all be ok :)

25-05-15, 21:52
It feels like I'm spaced out and my legs are like jelly but I can still walk on them. Really weird and startling feeling which makes me panic. I definitely want to fight through it though as it's not worth being like this without a fight. I'm upping my dose from 25-50 tomorrow. Wish me luck

25-05-15, 22:04
I take 50mg which I am ok on, I have taken 100mg in the past but it was too much for me so sticking with 50mg. You will be fine, but good luck :)

25-05-15, 22:16
How bad would you say your anxiety was before the sertraline? Did your anxiety get higher as you began these tablets? Does it just lift your mood a bit yeah?

25-05-15, 22:37
I am one of those that is very up and down, so it wasn't terrible, but at times it was if you know what I mean. My anxiety didn't go up at all, but I also take Pregabalin which is probably what helped me as its an anti anxiety. What I will reiterate is Sertraline is a lot kinder on your system than most of the others so hopefully it will be ok for you. It should relieve the anxiety and this will in turn lift your mood if its a med that suits you.

25-05-15, 22:48
Just hang in there... It takes a few weeks for everything to calm down. You'll be fine.

Positive thoughts

27-05-15, 15:51
Day 9 today, Day 2 of (50mg dose), going to take the next 50mg soon here. Today and last night have been absolutely horrendous with anxiety, even had a panic attack which i hadn't had since I started the medication and feel like I'll surely have another today. I'm eating like a horse to try and battle it. Taking each day as it comes and battling these side effects head on, no going back now.