View Full Version : Scared of a heart attack

26-05-15, 07:34
I'm at the age of 13 which I know is quite young to worry about something like this but my sleeping times is one of the worst I've ever known someone my age to sleep. Ever since I was young I feel asleep about midnight but now it's progress to even times of 3 in the morning and I'm scared. I stay up on the computer and wake up on it and I'm generally scared of a heart attack. The thing that has made me go on here is that I woke up with a irritating chest pain today I've had a moment with a pain in my heart a few times also. I know the doctor will just tell me the change but it's not that easy. I'm scared and I don't know what to do. :weep: Also because I'm so tired I'm needing to yawn but when I do my chest hurts even more and it's getting really painful how do you stop chest pains? It's kind of pushing and squeezing in kind of and I'm scared because it might be a sign of something serious.

02-06-15, 01:02

I am in my twenties but I have suffered, and do suffer, similar things to what you are describing. I often worry about getting a heart attack when i'm having a panic attack because it usually carries all of the cliche symptoms - heart racing, shaking, chest pains etc..

Which is odd, because at the same time that i'm worrying, I also know that I am not going to have a heart attack but the anxiety always seems to take over me and stop me from being able to think logically.

I don't know how reassuring this can be, but my dad (who is okay now) has had heart attacks. But these have not been caused by any moments of stress, they just happened because he has a bad heart. It's also interesting that he didn't struggle to breathe, get bad chest pains or any of the stereotypical symptoms people think a heart attack is. Instead, he just went weak and was very sick.

The reason i'm telling you this is because it is very important for you to really realise that there is absolutely no similarity in having a panic attack or having a heart attack.

You are 13 years old, no matter the amount of stress you are put under, it is extremely unlikely that you will have a heart attack.

Please don't think that this message is insensitive. I'm just telling you what I try to tell myself everyday. I completely understand how difficult it is to just stop worrying.

I hope that as you grow older you'll find things easier to cope with.

(When I was 13 I was very depressed and anxious, very badly bullied and disturbed. The one thing that helped me through everything was going to a dance class. If you have a particular hobby or interest that can challenge you, I really suggest pursuing it. You will find it a great distraction. Lying in bed worrying a little over whether you're going to remember dance steps is preferable to lying in bed worrying about having a heart attack. Plus it will give you an escape from things that are stressing you out in "The real world". It really doesn't matter what the hobby is.)

03-06-15, 20:58
a heart attack Is a blockage of a main artery this is usually due too plaque build up ie 40 years of full fat meals all day everyday not at your age

but saying that I know loads of people who lead the worst lifestyle and there still here well into pension age

03-06-15, 21:04
ohhhh sweetie, your not having a heart attack let me reassure you. when I was your age I suffered from anxiety (didn't know it then but I do now) my partner suffered a heart attack at the age of 40 and let me reassure you they told him and me then that he was so young . so at 13 its highly unlikely xx have you got family support, friends etc?

03-06-15, 21:44
You'll be fine. The chest area has loads of muscles, tendons and bits of cartilage, if your sitting tense, hunched over a computer or whatever they're all not sitting in their most relaxed positions. When you move, wake up or whatever they're giving you a tweak of pain as they settle back in the right position.
From what I know of heart pain it's long lasting and feels like a clamp around the chest/an elephant is sitting on you.

04-06-15, 09:40
I know 3 people who have had heart attacks ive asked each one what it felt like, each one within reason has described it the same basically you get knocked to the floor in excruciating pain as above

trouble is telling our over catastrophic mind that that little twinge isn't it