View Full Version : Tiny pin size red dots on my thumb? (Help!)

26-05-15, 12:54
I have severe anxiety when it comes to health, everything tgat goes wrong makes me think Im dead. Well now these popped up on my thumb of my right hand.. They are extremely tiny, red and under the skin on the right side of my thumb, they showed up only 2 or so days ago and dr. Google says i have leukemia, i have a drs apt in a week but i still want to know what else it could be..

imgurcom/mBQIf0f for a picture..

26-05-15, 17:38
Okay, i am begging somebody to post now, please please please somebody...

26-05-15, 18:29
Unfortunately, no one here is qualified to make a diagnosis as to what that is but based on the 10's of thousands of similar posts, I would tend to lean toward this being a benign issue.

Positive thoughts

27-05-15, 12:19
I would think you would have other symptoms too for leukemia not just pin pricks , lots of people get these due to low platelet levels can be so simple as very low iron,and most benign , i have one on my thumb and one on my hand , had them for two years..pls don't worry as you are seeing the doc anyway and I'm sure they will be able to reassure you good luck :)

27-05-15, 15:10
I can't load the picture but I'm guessing you're worried that they're petechiae? If so, I've had them personally and my doctor said that physicians aren't usually concerned about them unless they suddenly appear in their thousands.

The fact that they're on your thumb means you probably did something minor to your thumb to cause them to appear. I sometimes get them on my ankles from my shoes, for instance.

All the best :)

29-05-15, 13:11
Well, now they are also near my ankle, I guess I have leukemia. I wonder how long I have to live? Maybe Ill be dead before 20...

29-05-15, 13:14
No, very likely not. You probably got them from your shoes, crossing your ankles, having a hot shower, the weather where you are (it's summer, correct? Hot weather can cause petechiae) etc, etc. They're very easy to cause and I seem to have periods of being more prone to them than others. A couple of months ago I got them fairly frequently and I've not had any since.

I know Dr Google will tell you petechiae are a very worrying symptom but this is not true. I went to my doctor once with petechiae dotted along both my arms and he didn't even bother to do a blood test (not even a CBC) despite there being a pathology centre adjoined to the clinic.

As I said, unless you suddenly have thousands across your body, doctors won't be worried.

Take care.

29-05-15, 13:33
I see.. You seem very sure and that helps.. There are two on my ankle as of right now, slightly larger than on my thumb, what tests shoukd I have done at the dr. To make sure Im fine? Cheers for all the help..

29-05-15, 13:46
Тwo is absolutely normal! You really needn't have tests done for that. If you're really worried, you can ask your doctor to do a blood test to check your blood counts, but there's absolutely no need for such a small number, especially if they're found in a 'high-pressure' area like the ankle, which is one of the most common areas to find petechiae caused by trauma (which just means a mechanical cause, like hitting the area, lying on it funny etc).

Best wishes :)

29-05-15, 14:07
Normal even with the ones on my thumb huh.. Ive never noticed these before, perhaps because I didnt look though, im still quite worried.. Thank you for the kindness though, it really helps
And by ankle I meant the right side of my left foot, near the ankle bone (one directly on it) dies that change anything?

29-05-15, 14:54
If they're on/around the bone it makes it more likely that it was your shoe or something.

I think they're quite common, but, being so small, most people don't notice.

29-05-15, 15:13
I see. Hopefully everything you said is accurate for me then.

29-05-15, 19:43
Oh wow, things just got worse, today I noticed this.. Any ideas..? Im confident that im dying again..


29-05-15, 19:56
I can't see your image above, but regarding the petichae..

I took my baby daughter to the A and E department with these, as I was concerned.Didnt help she was teething at the time, so wasn't herself at all.

Njmerous doctors looked at her, as she had them dotted all over her body. They told me that they can be caused by injury (normally seen around bony areas, or as they determined for my daughter in the end a viral infection.

Hope this helps

29-05-15, 20:14
I can't see your image above, but regarding the petichae..

I took my baby daughter to the A and E department with these, as I was concerned.Didnt help she was teething at the time, so wasn't herself at all.

Njmerous doctors looked at her, as she had them dotted all over her body. They told me that they can be caused by injury (normally seen around bony areas, or as they determined for my daughter in the end a viral infection.

Hope this helps

To see the image just remove the brackets.

29-05-15, 20:43
Unfortunately, no one here is qualified to make a diagnosis as to what that is but based on the 10's of thousands of similar posts, I would tend to lean toward this being a benign issue.

Positive thoughts

I'll reiterate that no one can even begin to diagnose based on a photo. That being said, based on the tens of thousands of fears posted and the actual number of those being sinister, chances are ridiculously high this is nothing to be concerned about. If you're that concerned, a medical professional would be recommended above the opinions from an anxiety forum.

Positive thoughts

29-05-15, 23:42
I'll reiterate that no one can even begin to diagnose based on a photo. That being said, based on the tens of thousands of fears posted and the actual number of those being sinister, chances are ridiculously high this is nothing to be concerned about. If you're that concerned, a medical professional would be recommended above the opinions from an anxiety forum.

Positive thoughts

I do have an appointment coming, this is just to calm me down until then as Ive been in a state of debilitating panic amd the only tging I could do was pace around and sob at my soon ending life

Gary A
30-05-15, 01:11
There are literally hundreds of reasons that you could have these dots. Vast collections of fungal infections, irritation, skin inflammation, trauma, insect bites and many many more utterly benign reasons. Leukaemia isn't even on that list. Leukaemia causes many horrible symptoms like fatigue, horrific bruising for no reason, cuts and sores constantly bleeding, weight loss and other horrible symptoms. A few red dots on your skin are quite categorically NOT a symptom of leukaemia.

See your doctor for a diagnosis, but if I were you, I'd put the idea of leukaemia right out of my head, your doctor probably won't even remotely suspect it.

I looked at your image and it looks to me like a blood blister in your mouth. You may have bitten or something in your sleep. Stop saying you're dying, you're being silly.

06-06-15, 16:40
That's just a blood blister In your mouth ive had loads