View Full Version : Weaning off meds

26-05-15, 16:28
Hi I've posted about this on the trazodone board but it's very quiet over there and no one replies, so I'm hoping someone can advise me on here.

I was taking 50mg trazodone for 10 weeks and a couple of weeks ago reduced to 45mg. I really want to come off it as I've never felt right on it. It took ages to work in terms of my insomnia, and although now I sleep really well I still feel as though I'm having side effects (increased anxiety, spaced out feeling, shakiness, delayed weeing, lost loads of weight etc) which have got worse since I reduced by only 5mg!

I'm going to see my gp next week but wondered how other people came off this or a similar drug? I know I shouldn't do it cold turkey but it feels as though it's going to take forever at this rate and I hate it!

Thanks for reading :)

---------- Post added at 16:28 ---------- Previous post was at 13:49 ----------

No one?

26-05-15, 16:50
Crystle..i tried to reduce my trazadone.by 20mg but like you iv never felt any bennefit being on it.when i cut it down,i started to feel more anxious and depressed.so i went back on norm dose again.you kind of feel traped when you start meds,once you have been on them for a while your body gets used to them,then when you start to come off them,you feel worse than you did before you started taken them..im sure thats not the case for everyone but certainly is for me...

26-05-15, 17:02
Thanks for replying Greg, I had awful side effects from day 1 on this but because I started sleeping I decided to stay on it. But I'm still tired all the time and feel weird a lot like I'm not quite here, I hate it. Until I see my doctor I don't really know the best way to come off it but thought I'd start reducing anyway. Now side effects are worse as you said. I also feel trapped on it and of course don't want to go back to not sleeping but just hope I'm over the worst of that and want to get back to normal again. I also want a glass of wine!!? Hate being in this situation. Are you still on the other med (olanzapine?) or did you manage to come off it?

26-05-15, 17:54
Im still on the other med..tried coming off that one to,but got worse anxiety.my trazadone helps my sleep.i had really bad insomnia before trazadone.so feel traped..as i say,i think i feel worse on these meds then i did not being on them...but trying to come off them makes me feel worse than i did before going on them..its a catch 22..stuck on them..

---------- Post added at 17:54 ---------- Previous post was at 17:52 ----------

Oh and by the way,i dont say no to a bottle of wine on sat night.never hurts me.its only if i drink more than that which i have done before.so im in control of it now

26-05-15, 19:49
Going to ask my doc if it will be ok to have maybe half a glass at least! My insomnia was really bad too but I'm living half the time in a fog now so need to do something. I have friends on ADs who feel absolutely fine but I feel rubbish! Hey ho, distraction is the best thing for me as takes my mind off it!

26-05-15, 19:52
What should I avoid while taking trazodone?

Do not drink alcohol. Trazodone can increase the effects of alcohol, which could be dangerous.

Concerning your meds. It's is highly ill advised to change your dosage or attempt to wean yourself off of any long term prescription medication (especially psychotropics) without the guidance of a medical professional.

Positive thoughts

26-05-15, 21:30
I don't know if you'd call 10 weeks long term but I'm following the guidelines of 10% reduction until I see my doctor.

Haven't touched a drop of alcohol in three months but I do miss the odd glass of wine especially with summer around the corner...

Hopefully soon! :)