View Full Version : Always worried about sister?

26-05-15, 22:06
Hi, so I have an identical twin sister who does not have health anxiety and I am constantly worrying about her as well as myself. I'm always worrying that she has something wrong with her and will die soon and I always am asking her if she is okay. She tolerated it in the beginning, but now she is just annoyed by me constantly asking her. I even do this when we are around friends and it embarrasses her, but I can't seem to stop worrying about her. Like if she has a headache I'll ask her every 5 minutes how she's feeling, is she okay, etc. We are extremely close and she is literally my other half and I'm always worried she going to die. Is anyone else constantly worrying about a loved one? How do I deal with this fear? I don't want to keep bothering her

27-05-15, 14:26

Are you still having this concern now? I think Love can make people think and do different things that they don't normally want to do or like to do. Your fear towards your sister probably comes from how much you love her. Instead of ..in her ways "embarrassing" her by doing things that she doesn't like.. Why don't you buy her something or take her out for a meal and try not to mention anything to do with "death" or "fear" if you can manage one day then you can attempt to beat that record by doing 2 days :) etc

27-05-15, 15:13
Hi there,

Yes, I worry a lot about my loved ones, too. I manage it by taking for granted that they know their own bodies best and, if they feel really ill, they'll take care of it. I also can't force them to do anything they don't want to, so there's no real benefit to agonising over it.

I'm sure your sister would seek help if she felt really unwell. Also, keep in mind that things like headaches, pains and cramps etc are pretty normal and everyone has them from time to time. I think she's lucky to have such a caring sister :) Take care.

28-05-15, 03:49
Thanks for your advice! I am trying so hard not to ask her if she's okay, but she had a sinus headache today and I got worried