View Full Version : First Pregabalin tablet today - my diary

27-05-15, 09:23
Well today's the day......
I have battled with anxiety now for 15 years, the last 5 or 6 being the worst.
I've tried almost all ssri anti depressants including, paroxitine, citalopram, Prozac, sertraline, mirtazipine, duloxitine and venlafaxine. So tried the majority. The 2 that worked the best have been paroxitine and Venlafaxine but these 2 are known for being the worst when it comes to weight gain and discontinuation withdrawal.

Went to see my psych doctor last year who recommended Pregabalin and said it was a great drug for gad also it would help me to withdraw from diazipam.

I have been on diazipam 5 years at a low dose of 2mg a day. I've never abused it and never craved more but my psych Dr and gp have both told me I am now addicted. My gp told me I would now need to be on it for life ( which obviously upset me). Anyway earlier in the year I tried reducing my diazipam by biting it in half and took 1 mg I lasted 3 weeks but what 3 weeks they were. I ended up in a&e one night, thought I was having a heart attack. Depression/suicide thoughts, fatigue, hearing things just to name a few.

I went back to 2mg and things have sort of gotten bit better but the while experience scared me. I've been through withdrawal from paroxitine/seroxat and Venlafaxine/Effexor which are the 2 hardest ad to withdraw from but really struggling with diazipam and what's frustrating is it's such a low dose.... But 5/6 years is a long time so I guess it's to be expected.

So at the moment I'm on 37.5 Venlafaxine, 20 mg Propanalol when needed and 2 mg diazipam.

Today I'm trying Pregabalin in the hope it will firstly help my gad, secondly help me withdraw from diazipam.

I know kind of what to expect with se as I've read the threads so I'm biting the bullet. I've had the packet unopened for months now but been to frightened to take them. I hope these will help me lead a functioning life again as the last 2 years I feel I've been existing rather than living and to be honest each day has been a battle.

I've been signed off work now for around 6 Mths and need to get back in the land of the living people instead of either lying around the house in my dressing gown or curled up in bed. I want to be the person I once was. I know she's in there somewhere.

Here goes the first 25mg.... Taking it slow but will update my diary to help others deciding to make the move to Pregabalin.


27-05-15, 09:50
Hi Michelle,

Don't be frightened to take pregabalin. 25 mg is a very small dose, so you will probably need to increase it to know if it's doing any good.

There may be some side effects, but usually temporary.

Also, your doctors don't seem worried with you taking 2 mg of diazepam daily, so I wouldn't make withdrawal a priority until you have stabilised on pregabalin. One step at a time. Best of luck.

27-05-15, 09:58
Hi Michelle,

The Pregabalin will help you need the Diazepam less, it has a very good calming effect once it settles into your system. I have 2mg Diazepam on repeat prescription and I rarely order it now.

25mg is very low so is a good starting dose, and will make it easier to get used to, I would think side effects would be minimal at this dose, but if not try not to worry, as they pass quickly.

I have been on higher doses before, but am now down to 75mg twice a day and 50mg sertraline which is a really good combo for me.

I hope you do well on them and they help you :)

28-05-15, 07:50
Thanks for your words of support it means a lot. Well I took my first 25 mg tablet last night at 7pm fortunately got no se at all. By 9 I was feeling much more relaxed and slept from 11-3 (which is good for me) at 3 woke up a bit woozy took 2 Propanalol and then slept on and off till 6.
Woke up calmer than I normally do. So today I'm going to do the same and all being well tomorrow take 25 mgs x 2.

Dreading today to be honest as I have an mri of my brain and spine at 10.30 am and not looking forward to being in that tunnel for 40 mins to an hour. Hope I don't have a panic attack as you have to lie really still.

Then 2pm I have a home visit from work (signed off long term sick). Not looking forward to that either. Two stressful situations for me to deal with today :-(

So hate that damn anxiety it's ruining my life!

28-05-15, 10:42
Hello Michelle,

Support's everything we can give. Your response to pregabalin is sounding promising.

Good luck with the mri and home visit.

28-05-15, 14:49
Thanks hanshan, yes positive start and even today I have felt less anxious and I haven't even taken my second dose yet. Really really hope this med works for me, and an even bigger bonus if it helps me kick the diazepam.

Pregabalin now come out in generic here in UK called Lecaent, anyone tried this? Is it any different from the named brand?

28-05-15, 15:17
I'm not on the generic one, I didn't realise there were different types?

It should be the same really shouldn't it.

The woozy feeling will pass, I still get it on and off, and I don't mind it really, its better than 24/7 anxiety isn't it :)

Have you taken much diazepam over the past couple of days?

29-05-15, 09:36
Hi dazza thanks for your message. I'm still taking 2 mg diazepam but feeling much calmer on Pregabalin so hopefully the plan is to use less diazepam but going to take it slow as the last experience of reducing was awful but all positive so far with Pregabalin.

Last night went to bed at 9 and slept till 9 ..... 12 hrs....... Never done that in years!!!! Woke 1 time in the night but not anxious and managed to go back to sleep quickly.

Had Mri yesterday was in tunnel 1 hr 20 mins and never had a panic attack stayed perfectly still, get results Tuesday and had work meeting re absence from work long term and handled that very well. 2 things that were a challenge for me dealt with!!!

Only side effect I'm getting is restless legs for 2/3 hrs after taking med.

29-05-15, 09:47
Well done Michelle!

You may need to start upping the dose of Pregabalin as your body gets used to it, but don't worry that is perfectly normal.


29-05-15, 11:03
Thanks for your message Sarah, how are you doing now? I've read your thread from start to finish and it was one of the reasons I decided to give Pregabalin a go.

Last thing I read you were trying to decrease it but struggling, was withdrawl hard? I've been through withdrawl so many times over the last 15 years it's no wonder my poor brain is fried:-(

Venlafaxine withdrawl 3 times (the worst), Paxil withdrawl once (2nd worse), various others been hard but not as bad as those 2.

Diazepam still trying to get off.... But hoping to replace it with Pregabalin and dazza has comforted me that Pregabalin will help with diazepam withdrawl. Pysch Dr also said Pregabalin is excellent for gad and benzo withdrawl so I'm remaining very hopeful.

30-05-15, 07:54
Hi Michelle,

The active ingredient in generic pregabalin is no different from the pregabalin marketed by Pfizer.

Sometimes manufacturers change things like the coating of medications to change release speeds, but there is no difference to the actual medication. Supporting generics helps to keep prices down generally.

Hope you are going well with pregabalin.

30-05-15, 08:39
Thanks Hanshan,

I've not tried the generic yet, still using named brand Lyrica but new prescription I got was for the generic. Yes it's great when a generic comes out as it makes the treatment a bit cheaper as we all know this is a very expensive drug and is why it is not prescribed much. I needed a pdoc to write to my gp to get it.

So far all good :-). So much easier than starting anti depressant medication. Hope it continues. I'll keep updating but so far this has been the easiest med to start.

30-05-15, 09:52
Great news Michelle... the Pregabalin users will be following so keep updating :)


30-05-15, 17:43
Only side effect today been a dry mouth, need to keep drinking water, and chewing gum seems to help.

Small price to pay when my anxiety is reduced, hardly feel the need to take propanalol today. Feel more relaxed than I have done in weeks.

Just a question on the dreaded weight gain issue. For those of you been on this med for a few month.... Did you gain weight? If so, was it during start up and then slowed down? Or did it continue all the time you were on Pregabalin?

Also if you watched what you ate were you able to avoid weight gain?

I only ask as my pdoc did say this was a possible side effect of using Pregabalin. As I've only just started and on a low dose I've not noticed any changes in appetite or weight gain, but would like to know others experiences.

If you gained weight was it on higher doses or any dose?

30-05-15, 19:06
Weight gain can be an issue, especially at the beginning:

For me, it made me eat like a dog at first, but I was underweight due to the anxiety and not wanting to eat so not such a problem.

But this settled down and I got back to a normal weight and have stayed there (been on it 12 months: 225mg per day). I do have to work at it though: plenty of exercise, calorie counting, avoiding bad stuff.

I think the key is to focus on getting better, and not to worry too much about the weight thing: just make sure you have plenty of low fat 'fillers' handy in case you do start getting hungry: apples, bananas, bran flakes, that sort of thing.

But it's great to hear it seems to be helping you - game on! And great also to hear the generic is out there now: should mean this very helpful medicine will become more widely available to those who need it.


31-05-15, 07:49
Thanks Albert for your reply, it's nice to know if weight gain becomes an issue it can be controlled by calorie intake and healthy snacks and exercise. So far not noticed an increase in weight or hunger but still early days and a low dose. Hope you are keeping well Albert?

If anybody else has any experience please share them with me.

Well yesterday was a good day anxiety wise and only took 1 mg diazepam and 20 mg less propanalol.

Slept well (10.30 - 7) no waking during the night :-)

Also what was lovely was waking this morning and no panic. In the past I would wake up anxious, heart racing, shaking etc (no idea why) but today woke feeling a sense of calm and feeling all warm and snuggled in bed.

Long may it continue...,,,,

31-05-15, 12:57
Have been following this as I have been on pregabalin for around 2 and a half weeks now so it's good to see what others go through.

I am currently on 300mgs a day and still have some side effects- a bit kind of woozy and heavy headed but it is definitely better than it was. A few days ago I was really off balance but that seems to have gone.

I take citalopram 40mg daily and am also on propranolol and have been taking less (just 10mg on the morning and 10 at night instead of up to 60mg a day). I haven't had any major feelings of anxiety and panic but they are still there just not as bad. Only thing is I have been off work since I started taking the pills and am due back tomorrow. This will be the real test for me as my anxiety is always ten times worse when I leave the house and especially when I am at work.

I haven't had any weight gain so far or increase in appetite but I will monitor this just in case. No dry mouth or increased thirst either but have been really constipated which is unusual for me:blush:

Here's hoping the pregabalin journey turns into a really positive one for both of us. I am sure that you (like me) want your life back and to start living so fingers crossed we get that! x

31-05-15, 20:12
Yes weight gain for me Michelle. But I did have the munchies. But I have now lost 1 and a half stone since Christmas by careful eating.

Constipation was an issue early on as well but that was sorted out by Bran Flakes every morning.

Anxiety free was the best side effect:)

01-06-15, 08:28
Hi Buttercat,
Good luck going back to work today. Let us all know how it went.
I slept well again no anxiety but first time today woke up dizzy and woozy. Maybe delayed reaction to Pregabalin or maybe because I've only taken 1mg diazepam last two days?

Anyway it's nothing major. Still easily least side effects of any anti depressant medicine.
Hope everyone else is doing well.

01-06-15, 09:49
I agree with all the last paragraph. I am currently on 300mgs a day. I withdrew from 400 to 30o with no problem. I went down to 200 but realised I wasn't ready for that and also its quite a big drop. So just waiting for the summer to kick in and I will try to withdraw again. BUT this is only because the Citalopram should be doing the job of getting rid of the anxiety. I will happily stay on Pregabalin if the withdraw does not work.

For me it works instantly (I can take an extra 100 on a bad day and fell it working within a couple of hours).


01-06-15, 21:06
I made it through the day at work :) thank you for asking.

Was a bit foggy headed but that could well have been because I hardly slept last night due to having turned night into day when I was off. Tiredness tends to make my head feel a bit weird!

I had very little anxiety as well which was nice! Felt slightly tense around lunchtime but took 10mg propranolol and felt better after I ate. So hopefully onwards and upwards from now on.

02-06-15, 06:42
Hi Buttercat,

Congratulations on having made it through the day back at work. I hope you and Michelle continue to improve.

02-06-15, 08:41
Slept well. What a difference a good night sleep makes!!!
I've spent months of taking hours to get to sleep, then waking every hour a shaking anxious mess, dry retching and feeling like I'm losing my mind.

Last night took my Pregabalin at 8pm and fell asleep at 10. Woke once in night but not anxious and able to go back to sleep till 7.30. That's such an improvement and because I've slept I feel like I can deal with the day ahead better.

Still only taking 25 mgs as well. I'm aware I will probably have to increase but so far all is good :-)

02-06-15, 10:31
That's great news Michelle

Sounds like you're making progress, and good sleep is always a vital sign of it with MH issues...

>>Hope you are keeping well Albert?

Good thanks - Have been on Preg for 12 months and it certainly gave me my life back

Will be on it for a good few months before tapering off...


03-06-15, 09:50
Pleased Pregabalin is working well for you Albert. It most definitely seems to me to be the easiest med to start up. All ssri/ssnri meds give me horrendous start up effects mainly being increased anxiety which is hopeless when your put on the med because of extreme anxiety in the first place. I always have to stay on a really low dose anti depressant because if I go too high or too quickly I end up making myself worse than the original condition.

Pregabalin has no side effects on the dose I'm on so I'm a happy chappy. Just hope it keeps working. Last night didn't sleep as well and woke with slight anxiety for about the first 5 mins. Got Dr app on Friday so might try next dose up.

Got results from Mri brain and spine scan yesterday and good news no tumours and no signs of MS from the scan but Neurolgist is referring me for further tests as I have small twitching muscles mainly in hands and feet but also can be in larger limbs and get that restless leg sort of feeling and pins and needles/ants crawling over me feeling... Awful.

Got so bad I paid private to get mri (got health anxiety) and was starting to think I had a problem with my brain. Was worrying so much about the twitching and pins and needles I was getting into that cycle of anxiety where symptoms were getting worse because I was worrying about them more so I decided to pay private just to put my mind at rest.

Anybody else get small muscle twitching and pins and needle sensation ? I'm not sure if it's to do with my anxiety, if it's neurological or because of my medication.

I do find it is worse about an hour after taking my venlafaxine dose so wonder if it's to do with the medicine. But least scan rules out anything more sinister so that put my mind at rest a bit.

Signed off another 4 weeks:-(. But over all I do feel I am improving.

Hope everyone else is doing ok?

03-06-15, 10:08
I take mirtazapine which definitely can cause restless legs and jolts, especially when lying down to go to sleep. With me, it usually starts up half an hour or so after taking the medication, and lasts for another half hour or so. I can usually time so that I am either up and active (don't feel it much), or asleep by the time it happens.

I can't speak for venlafaxine, but it's perfectly possible it does similar things to your nervous system.

Even so, these can be very useful medications.

03-06-15, 10:17
Have you hit the starting adrenaline dose for your Ven, Michelle? (150mg) if so, it could be increased adrenaline.

If you mean a kind of buzzing then that's very common with anxiety and certainly can be caused by adrenaline. I've had mine the whole period of my disorders but if goes if you take you're mind away from it or move about (its always more prevalent for new when sitting or lying)

Jolts are also common with higher anxiety levels. Could it be that or is it recent?

03-06-15, 10:31
Thanks both of you for your replies

Yes terry buzzing is exactly what it feels like
My whole body feels tingling and buzzing especially my hands and feet. And when I look closely I can see small muscles jumping and twitching under my skin.

It freaks me out. I wonder if it is just adrenaline rushing through my body.

I sometimes worry after all the medications I have tried over the last 2 years if it has done some sort of permanent damage to my brain or cns.

That's why I had the mri I'd convinced myself I'd got some brain damage/neurological damage.

I've had it now since feb this year. Sometimes it does ease off during the day (like you say when I'm distracted) but bedtime and upon resting it is worse.

I've even captured it on my iPhone and showed the Neurolgist it yesterday he was fascinated and said he'd never seen it before (which scares me)

I honestly think it's just my nerves are so worn out by constant anxiety and adrenaline rushes that are causing it. I hope so anyway.

04-06-15, 06:16
Did you increase your Ven to the 150mg mark around that time, Michelle? I can't remember how you went with it.

Tingling & buzzing if due to adrenaline. Its a well known effect of having a higher level of adrenaline in the body. I've been having it for about 9+ years now, the whole of my anxiety period. Since adrenaline is also present in smaller quantities around certain vital organs, don't be surprised if you feel it in other areas e.g. chest, when more anxious.

Twitching is something seen in anxiety too. As is shaking. Its well known that a rush of adrenaline can make your hands shake. The fight or flight response does cause fine motor skills to become worse (which seems paradoxical since we really really need to throw that spear at the grizzly right!)

I'm a bit surprised that your neurologist isn't aware of this, its commonly described on websites and in literature about anxiety & panic.

Mine started very quickly when my GAD started and I had never been on an antidepressants prior to that. In fact, I can have the same effect from inhaled corticosteroids (certain ones) for treatment of asthma.

04-06-15, 08:54
Hi terry thanks for reply, hope you are keeping well on duloxitine.
I am on 37.5 mg venlafaxine a day. Have previously been on 75 and 150 in the past but it was too high a dose for me. 150 mg made me feel numb to all emotions and even when my father died I could not grieve. I was not depressed but I also could not be happy or excited by anything either. It also made me extremely tired even a small job like hoovering would leave me exhausted. I find 37.5 helps lift my mood without the feeling now numb.

It's all trial and error with doses I find and once you find a dose that works stick with it.

My mistake in the past is feeling well for a while then coming off the medication that has helped stabilise me (thinking I can do it alone) and then crashing big style.

I think I will always be on this low dose of ven and I've come to accept this now.

Ven did nothing for anxiety so my p doc recommended Pregabalin (which I'd never even heard of).

Was scared of starting another new med as an add on but decided I had nothing to lose by trying it. He said it would help relax me and it would also help me come off diazepam which I've been on over 5 years (2mgs).

Really hope I can do this..... I knew diazepam was addictive but because I was on such a low dose I thought I would be able to taper off, seems to be harder than I expected.

My gp told me I need to be on it for life now. Where as the p doc said I would be able to come off with the help of Pregabalin. Will be interested to see which one is right!

As for the twitches, I do think it is all to do with my anxiety condition. It's just that it's a new symptom that has just recently started since February,

I've had the usual shakes, palpitations and adrenaline rushes but never had constant pins and needles and small muscle twitches. Made me think something more sinister was going on that's why I paid for mri to put my mind at rest.

Hopefully as the Pregabalin gets established in my system these symptoms will fade away.

Hope everybody else is doing well? Hope work is going well Buttercat? How are you doing? Xx

06-06-15, 06:02
Hi Michelle,

Your Ven is too low to be interacting with adrenaline so unless its something from another med, anxiety seems the likely culprit.

Could it be due to reducing the Diazepam though? Did you start doing that from February?

I don't agree with your GP at all and to be honest, a psychiatrist is far better trained and more experienced and he/she believes you can come off. They have means beyond a GP and know how to mix around these meds to get you there. Besides, if someone can quit heroine or alcohol, why can't someone quit a Benzo? I think they use Preg to ween off other substances such as alcohol.

I'm ok, same old story really, up & down. I haven't approached my GP yet though.

07-06-15, 11:16
Thanks for asking, Michelle :-)

Ended up having to leave early on Tuesday because I was so tired and my head was so fuzzy I couldn't get anything done. Then left early on Wednesday as I ended up becoming really emotional (that hardly ever happens to me). Think I was just really overwhelmed with everything. I didn't even try to go in on Thursday and Friday and called in sick again.

I am viewing tomorrow as a fresh start and hoping it goes better than last week. I have to be careful with my sickness record now as I am on my way to getting a disciplinary if my record does not improve.

I am still undecided about pregabalin. My anxiety has reduced but not completely and the side effects are still there (although not as bad but bad enough). I can only hope the tiredness goes and my head clears soon.

How are you getting on with it now?

07-06-15, 15:02
Hi Buttercat

I too aren't feeling great in fact I'm now off Pregabalin as I had problems with breathing when I'd increased to a larger dose.

Rare side effect, but I also had swelling round mouth and tongue so stopped taking it.

Since coming off feel rubbish and very low mood.
Maybe withdrawl (even though wasn't on it long).

Never felt low like this before in ages:-(

Hope it wears off soon. Let me know how you get on.
Sorry it wasn't better news from my end x

07-06-15, 16:26
I'm sorry to hear that, Michelle. I really hope you feel better soon :hugs:

07-06-15, 16:48
Sorry to hear yoyo are off Pregabalin... you seemed to be doing so well.


08-06-15, 08:39
Thanks Buttercat & Sarah

Yes I thought it was a great med initially, and helped my gad. However had to come off due to side effects :-(

Been off it 3 days now, my question is to those readers who have been on Pregabalin and are now off it. Can you put my mind at rest that what I'm experiencing now is normal???

Last 3 days since since I've not taken Pregabalin I have felt very unwell in fact yesterday never got out of bed all day. Symptoms for last 3 days been:-

Depression (severe)
Waking up covered in cold sweat (yuk)
Weak legs
Cramps in feet and toes

Symptoms appear to me as withdrawal symptoms (not original symptoms). Bit surprised by this as was only on the drug a short time.

Those of you who have come off Pregabalin are these symptoms normal?

Also how long did they last?

Thanks, hope everyone else is doing well.


08-06-15, 10:38
It's hard to believe that it's withdrawal as you have been taking pregabalin less than two weeks. Did you also try to stop diazepam? Could this be having an effect?

08-06-15, 10:54
Could it be that the Preg was making you feel better and now you have stopped it you are back to how you felt before when you had reduced the Diazepam a bit? I remember you saying how badly that affected you and I seem to recall you didn't increase it all the way back up?

08-06-15, 19:13
Hi Terry

Nothing to do with the diazepam this is due to Pregabalin.
If you have a spare half hour/hour tonight type in Lyrica in u tube.

I'm really happy for those of you who are having success with it.
Just wasn't for me. Risks outweighed any benefits.

09-06-15, 03:05
I'd actually recommend that people with anxiety hold off googling any new med for a while.

Every med these days has to list every adverse health event that happened to at least one person in around three thousand screened, even if it was only one person and can't actually be shown to be related. If this isn't enough to scare anxious people, there are those people out to tell you that this is the worst med ever.

---------- Post added at 13:05 ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 ----------

To give you an example of how these warnings can be used to frighten susceptible people, please read the following -

I want to warn you about a medication which is VERY DANGEROUS.

Acute overdoses of this med can cause potentially FATAL LIVER DAMAGE. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, it can cause serious liver damage if more than directed is used.

In 2011 the FDA required manufacturers to update labels of all prescription combination products containing this med to warn of the potential risk for SEVERE LIVER INJURY and launched a public education program to help consumers avoid overdose. The risk may be heightened by frequent consumption of alcohol.

Toxicity from this med is the foremost cause of acute liver failure in the Western world, and accounts for most drug overdoses in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand (all from Wikipedia).

And yet doctors tell people to take doses of this med up to 1,000 mg FOUR times a day with NO WARNING. They even give it to babies.

It's paracetamol (Panadol). (And yes, I actually avoid taking it if possible, but will if I am in pain).

09-06-15, 08:39

People can make up their own minds if they want to research the drug they are putting into their bodies.

I'm pleased your experience on 600 mg Pregabalin is working for you.

For me it didn't.

My thread, my experience (not a pleasant one) but a truthful one.

Withdrawl is slightly better over last 24 hours. Itching has stopped. Swollen belly gone down. Some peeling of the face where I had swelling.

Mood still very low. Depression and very dark thoughts. Still waking up with cold yucky sweat over my body.

Having problems with memory when talking to people unable to find the right word or using totally the wrong word.

Also balance problems bumping into things not being able to walk in a straight line and muscle problems in feet and toes.

This hopefully won't happen to you but thought I would document how I'm feeling since stopping the drug in case anybody else suffers withdrawl in the future.

Most side effects manageable with rest and sleep but the depression is harsh. Thoughts going through my head of hurting myself that I would never usually have. Got family staying with me to keep an eye on me till this stage passes (hopefully very soon).

I'll report back in a week to let you know how I'm doing. Hope everyone else is ok and don't let this put you off. Everyone is different and maybe my reaction is very uncommon.


09-06-15, 10:42
It can't be withdrawal. You were only taking pregabalin for just over a week. It has a very short half-life (around six hours), so it was all out of your body days ago.

To experience withdrawal (as opposed to "re-entry", which is a short-term negative feeling when something good is stopped) you need to take a medication long enough for it to make long-term changes in your neurotransmitter system. Most people would say that's at least four to six weeks. That's one reason why most doctors will prescribe benzodiazepines for that period, but no longer. Your period taking pregabalin is much less than this.

Researching anything means being critical of your sources. Although Wikipedia is often lambasted, it does provide references. If you want to research a medication, I would start with Wikipedia, and then click on the article links. As an alternative, I would use a trusted website like the NHS.

Anyone can post on Youtube. There is some great stuff there, but also rubbish.

09-06-15, 13:57
I had terrible withdrawals off mirtazapine and was only on it 3 weeks so I do believe you can have withdrawal from these type of meds. Michelle im sorry the pregabalin didn't work out for you, interesting as my physc refused to prescribe me it due to its many side effects when I asked about it. Hopefully in a few days you will feel better, hang on in there XX

09-06-15, 21:15
I'm sorry to hear of your experience with pregabalin, Michelle. I think it pays to treat these drugs with caution. No one knows just what the long term effects will be. I think one should only stay on these meds if they actually bring sustained relief from anxiety/depression without compromising physical health and blood tests should be routinely offered for monitoring purposes. A vain hope in view of the cash-strapped NHS, I know.

10-06-15, 03:15
It pays to treat all medication with reasonable caution. Unfortunately, the internet also has a very dark side for health anxiety sufferers (I think most will agree), and it pays to treat the internet with just as much, if not more caution.

As for pregabalin, it has been wonderful for me. It has given me freedom, a new life, and the ability to take up a new job overseas in Japan.

11-06-15, 00:12
Nicola what are you on now, still Ven? I have come on this thread as I am at a loss what else I can try for my GAD. Lexapro has totally pooped out on me after being good for almost a full year, apart from a little morning depression. I once asked for Pregablin and gp told me it is rubbish and not for anxiety but I knew he would say that because of price.
OMG Michelle, I am on Lorazepam so I am dreading the only doctor who will give me it now ever leaving. I have been on it three years and if I took 2mg of Diazepam it would not even touch me, my bf is bipolar and is on Klonpin so even worse and he has gone back to USA now where he is from so I dunno if that is why I am so stressed out. I have had brain zaps tonight trying to just calm down and have ended up taking 4 Loraz as not had any last couple of days, I can usually miss it and not feel a thing.
Any how all in all I feel crap right now but the worst WD I went through was Mirtazapine. I was on it 8 months and felt like an heroin addict going cold turkey it was so horrific but over with in 3 weeks. Which seems to be the norm I have found for WD effects. My bf went cold turkey on Methadone as a former addict and that was bad but again lasted 2 to 3 weeks.
It is crazy as just coming on this site always helps me talking to people who all understand. I am much calmer than when I first logged in. Just want to get some zzzzzz's in now, so fed up.
Michelle did the 25mg dose of Preg stop working then for you to higher it up and then get all your bad side effects? I have had GAD 12 years, it started when I had my son weirdly.

13-06-15, 10:22
Hi all
Just an update for my Pregabalin diary.
First thank you nic and pulisa for your kind words they meant a lot when I was going through a difficult week.
Nic, you are right! We can still get discontinuation symptoms EVEN after being on the drug s short time. The drug is making changes in our brain and even once stopping the drug and it being out of our system, our brains are still adjusting. I hope you are keeping well nic?
Pulisa, you are very right we do have to be careful when it comes to these types of drugs. I have now been off it a week and feel so much better!
No water retention
No swelling
No more pain in feet and legs
Appetite returned to normal
Energy levels returned to normal

The only thing I am still left with is a bit of what I call brain fog. Saying the wrong word, losing trail of thought, but this is getting better each day. Still wake up some mornings feeling a bit confused as to where I am but this too is getting better.

Was a rough week but today I feel much brighter and positive and more like myself.

One thing I think it is important to address is coming off this med can cause very bad depression (and depression is not my illness, anxiety is).

It might not affect you ( I hope it doesn't ) but I think it's important to mention in this diary as this is the thing that affected me the worst.

Depression was harsh when I stopped taking Pregabalin. For the first five days I was in a bad way. I had suicidal thoughts 24/7. I was so low. Something was telling me it will pass and it's just my brain readjusting to no Pregabalin and this is what kept me going and I'm a mum so I knew suicide was not an option. But these thoughts were very strong and overwhelming at times. Even in my dreams I was dreaming about me hanging myself. So very distressing but I had family staying with me and helping me through this.

These horrible thoughts went after about 5 days and now I have never none. Just thought it was important to mention in case the same thing happens to anyone else. It does pass just make sure you have help though this.

Like I say I am 90% back to how I was before the Pregabalin experience. I hope you are all keeping well and have more success on this drug than I did.

I'll keep logging on every so often to see how people are doing and I wish you all the very best of luck!


15-06-15, 10:04
Hi Michelle,

Sorry to hear about your pregabalin experience - it's been a godsend for me.

The good news is that from start to finish has only been two weeks, so no great problem.

15-06-15, 11:24
If you call having thoughts of hanging myself no great problem........

16-06-15, 03:28
Of course I don't, and I should amend my statement above to be: The good news is from start to finish has only been two weeks.

Hopefully you will soon be back to normal. You were hoping that pregabalin would help you reduce or discontinue diazepam. How will you go with that now?

17-06-15, 15:42
Yes in a way I am fortunate that I was only on the drug a short time. I did have high hopes of pregablin (as in sure we all do when we find the courage to start a new med). Initially I found it great, as you can see from my thread, I was also singing its praises on the venlafaxine board. However it was sadly to be short lived. Side effects and cognitive problems outweighed any benefits. Sad because after reading Sarah's posts and others I was hoping it too would be a good medicine for me.

Anyway, I can put the experience behind me now, and hopefully I will just continue with my anti depressant medication/Cbt therapy and a slow taper on the diazepam (one day soon I hope to report in and let you all know I'm off it!!!)

Onwards and upwards - wishing everyone the best of luck in the treatment course they are taking x

17-06-15, 15:47
This is so scary as I take Ativan/Lorazepam 2mg daily which is like 20mg of Diazepam. I have been on it it 2 years and my Americn bF has just gone cold turkey on Klonipin as he was getting it prescribed here in Uk but does not have a gp in USA, now he has gone back. He was on 2mg a day so freaking for him. He is rarely in touch with me since he went back but must be going thorugh hell. 2mg of Diazepam never even touched me. So to think people are going through wd hell on it is scary. I did take it myself for about a year though and kicked it I have also kicked Zopiclone and Ativan before without any probs at all. The worst I ever went through was on Mirtazapine, I was on it 8 months and it made me a a suicial wreck, wd was like I had been using heroin. But it passed very quickly, after 3 weeks I was fine. My bf quit Methadone when he first came to Uk and was about the ame, 3 weeks of trips to AandE then he was ok xxx I was goign to ask my Gp for Pregablin but not sure what to do and it is so expensive so doubt he will give me it. Been on Lexapro for 2 years plus and Ativna but neither work at all any more.

17-06-15, 16:01
Hope you manage to get the help you need Karen.

Depression/anxiety is such an awful illness and it's so hard for people to understand what we go through on a daily basis.

I've been off work ages now (think they have forgotten what I look like :-)

Want to so badly get back to work and a healthy happy social life.

I hope you find pregablin helps you, if you get a prescription for it. X