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View Full Version : Mole- no more options

27-05-15, 09:27
This must be the billionth post on my moles. I've been seen by a dermatologist about specific ones. It always feels rushed and I would prefer if she looked at my entire body cos sometimes I forget about certain ones.
Anyway, there one on my lower leg that has been there for a while and because of that I thought it was fine so haven't showed anyone. However, a couple of days ago it states itching. It's fairly big, I'd say maybe 6-7mm and as far as I can see a bit uneven.
I'm absolutely freaking out now because this morning it started weeping a bit. I was scratching it a bit so not sure if it's from that, but I'm absolutely panicking. I've seen the dermatologist twice in the past month about other moles (that look nothing like this) and I kkow my go won't refer me again.
I know HA stops rationalising but I'm a mess here. I feel like I'm at a dead end.
Any advice about what I can do about getting my mole seen?
I'm waiting on cbt. Thanks x

27-05-15, 10:03
IF they will not refer you again, and you can afford it, you can have them checked privately. I did this a few years ago because I have quite a few all over my body (but mine are beauty spots :winks: )

I think it was Superdrug where I had mine done.

Try not to worry, I am sure the person who checks you over would notice any abnormalities. I know its hard, but the chances are its nothing and all will be ok :)

27-05-15, 10:13
Thanks for the reply. I know rationally that this mole has been there for a couple of years at least but I get obsessive and now the picking /scratching of it (tmi) and subsequent breaking of skin has got me in full panic. I was wondering about paying for a mole check. I think I'll look into it if my gp can't /won't refer me again. Funny thing is I've just been for a non-related appt at the same hospital as the dermatology department. I had to walk past the derm dept and I really wanted to run in and say 'please just check this last one!' But I know that's bordering on crazy :doh:

Gary A
27-05-15, 10:18
Your GP will certainly refer you if the mole looks suspicious.

27-05-15, 17:30
Now my leg that the mole is on is hurting, like aching into my hip. It's been like this for a few weeks come to think of it. My brain instantly connects the two. Is the mole spreading through my system?? Definitely back to the docs tomorrow!!