View Full Version : Looking for a bit of support

Mr Polite
27-05-15, 10:50
Hi all
I've just joined the site and looking for a bit of a support as I am currently in a pretty dark place.
I'm 34 have suffered with GAD since my early 20s but about a year ago I suffered a breakdown - weeks and weeks of constant panic attacks and extreme levels of anxiety. I have not really recovered, the past year has been a living nightmare where my anxiety levels seems to be very up and down (but mostly very up).
I am now feeling incredibly low and feel at the end of my tether with it. I cry a lot and still feel in shock about how much my life has changed. I cant do anything I used to enjoy.
I have tried medication but only seems to make it worse. I don't have any real physical symptoms (racing heart, sweating etc) - my anxiety mainly makes me feel completely detached from everything around me, so any medication that makes me even more like a zombie always has a negative effect.
Not quite sure I expect from coming on here - but any words of support would be greatly appreciated as my head feels like a very lonely place at the moment.

27-05-15, 10:56
Hiya Mr Polite and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

27-05-15, 17:09
I don't know if that detachment you feel is derealisation? I think you need some help, behavioural therapy and/or some medication. Can you tell us what medication you've tried before, and for how long?
Welcome to NMP, lots of friendly and helpful people here,so hopefully you will feel a little less lonely.
All the best,

Mr Polite
27-05-15, 21:12
Hi Mark
Thanks for your reply.
I've had CBT in the past, the things I learnt definitely all made sense to me as I am quite rational/logically minded. I just find it so difficult to apply what I've learnt when the severe anxiety takes control. Its like there is wild animal loose in my mind...
Recently Ive tried Sertraline, only for a week or so as it just sent my anxiety into overdrive. I then tried mirtazapine for about 4 months, which just made me feel lethargic, irritable and very hungry :).
I've read a lot about anxiety and feel I have a good understanding of it - I think I'd be a great therapist myself. I realise that I need to be more accepting of it, I just find that to be virtually impossible when I feel so out of it. Its so hard not not to be freaked out.
Anyhow, thank you for your kind words, reading through some of the posts on here definitely helps me feel less isolated........ and like I am going mad.

21-05-17, 13:24
Hi Jonny I think it's a question at maybe looking at other types of therapy, Meds while they help some ppl I believe it's often a case of Russian Roulette you have to keep adjusting the dose or try another med etc it's about trying to get the balance right some times dr's will try many meds before they have it right for you, I used to be on meds but totally med free now as I often ended up feeling worse than I currently do. so I certainly would go back and tell your dr how you are feeling hope you get sorted though Cheers

Catherine S
21-05-17, 13:47
Dave this thread is from 2 years ago and was his only thread. He also hasn't posted anything on other threads since then, so he may not be still around.

Cath ☺

21-05-17, 13:51
Dave this thread is from 2 years ago and was his only thread. He also hasn't posted anything on other threads since then, so he may not be still around.

Cath ☺ Yes I know the only reason why I posted is because they are 'online' :) So may be they might see it! Thanks ISB Cheers

Catherine S
21-05-17, 14:11
Ah yes now I see... people do wait a long time for replies sometimes don't they lol! :D

Cath x