View Full Version : Night Time Panic Attack - is that what that was?

27-05-15, 11:29
Someone please help, advise...

I've been having severe anxiety, which I think has been a build up of just rubbish things happening this year.

Over the last few weeks, I've had a dull ache in my left chest wall. It's not there all the time, and it doesn't hurt when I breathe, but I'm aware it's there. I have since convinced myself that in fact there is something wrong with my heart and it's making me panic so much. I have mentioned this to my Dr and he has listened to my heart and states it sounds absolutely normal and although he could send me for an ECG he really does not think there is any need too.

Anyway, my panic has gotten so much worse and for the last couple of days I've been getting really bad heartburn, hours after I've eaten, and even taking gaviscon etc, does not remove this for some time. So last night I had heartburn for hours, and I went to bed, convinced this was something to do with my heart. I even counted my heart beats before I went to bed.

In the night, a couple of times I woke up, sweating but with chills, my heart was pounding, my head was just not there at all, I had a pain in my jaw and I led there and just tried to tell myself that I'd be ok, and that I'd wake in the morning - which I did. I've never experienced night time attacks before, can someone please tell me, is this what I had in the night?

Today I feel absolutely shattered, my body aches and I just feel dire :weep:

27-05-15, 17:06
I get this every night. Unfortunately yes, it's panic and anxiety happening while you sleep. I find it's always worse if I go to bed worried, like you did. I had the exact same situation last night! Was worrying about my heart as I drifted off, then woke up in the night with my heart beating so fast and hard. I've learned to get myself back to sleep pretty quickly even though it feels so crap.

27-05-15, 17:45
Xvolatileheart - thank you so much for responding. It's terrifying isn't it? It's the first time I've experienced a panic in the night so it really scared me. I'm not coping well at all - I've always suffered with anxiety but this year has been pretty horrible so far and I know my anxieties have been getting worse. The panic attacks are new to me but over the past few days they've become a daily thing. I feel every twinge, anything I deem dangerous sends me into a parallel universe - I'm at the point right now where I'm feeling angry with myself for allowing myself to get in these states.
Part of my mind tells me it's all irrational but I can't seem to stay in that mind set.
Feeling really very low x

27-05-15, 17:55
Parallel universe is close, actually it is hippocampus sending instructions through your Amygdala the centre for fear because you told it to and how did you do that? Simply by allowing a year of crap to make your thoughts negative, Hippocampus bypasses Amygdala if it receives positive thoughts. At night during rem sleep you replay the day and there are all those scary thoughts you can use.
Try putting a positive spin on every negative thought for a few days and see if it goes away.

27-05-15, 21:47
What you say is how all of us anxiety-sufferers feel. You are not alone!

If you haven't already, I would advise speaking to your GP. They can offer you advice on what lifestyle changes, therapies and/or medications may help you. It's so important to deal with it sooner rather than later! There are also some great books - I am partial to anything by Dr Claire Weekes - that help you understand anxiety and panic so that it's less scary.

Nighttime panic always is tougher because you're not mentally alert and prepared to fight the thoughts and feelings! But as soon as you come to, remind yourself that it's only anxiety and all you need to do is let yourself relax through it. If that doesn't work initially, distract yourself. Play a game, read a book, watch some TV, write in a journal, whatever it takes. The sooner you can calm yourself down, the quicker the episodes will pass. I used to stay up an hour at a time when I'd wake in the night, but now I'm usually back to sleep in 10 minutes. :)

29-05-15, 09:52
I get night time attacks so I sympathise. Yes that's what you're experiencing. They can become a cycle when you start fearing and thinking about them at night. I just get up, make a herbal tea and watch some TV until I am sleepy. I used to make it worse,
Prolonging the fight/flight by telling my mind it's a big deal to be awake, but I don't fight it anymore and after 6 months of intense almost nightly attacks, they are easing up. I just go "I'm awake, I feel awful but it will pass" don't put pressure on yourself. Start breathing exercises as soon as
you can when you feel that way.

I also get heartburn and I find that drinking milk is instant relief. I've had heartburn that felt like my mid section was being squeezed. Horrible feeling. Milk calmed it down in the short term and I have reduced eating acidic foods in the long term.

Hang in there!