View Full Version : Headache on the right temple and anxiety seems to have returned. some advice?

27-05-15, 12:35
Yesterday I had a headache and mild dizziness nearly all day, and because I worried myself about it I got a little anxious, but then later In the evening after I woke up from a nap I had a sudden panic attack (only mild) and it really freaked me out.

I have this persistent headache on the right temple and also occasionally between the eyes. Does anyone else get these symptoms? I haven't been on medication for a solid 18 months to 2 years and I don't particularly want to start taking them again.

I know this is nothing too bad, but the return of my anxiety isn't something I need right now.

30-05-15, 11:07
Somebody else posted about a right temple headache and I too experience it. I guess its stress, anxiety, tension. I had a headache in my temple for 3 months after I heard some upsetting news. I would use the bottom of a glass had to press against my temple because the pressure helped. When I got anxious,I could feel my right temple tightening. It was an awful sensation. It went away and now I have similar dull aching in my cheek, jaw, ear, side of head - fortunately not all at the same time. The temple ache ocassionally comes back but I massage the sternocleidomastoid muscle (it's the muscle attached to your collarbone that sticks out of your neck when you turn your head) and it seems to help. I think its a form of migraine. I googled "right temple ache" for months and got increasingly anxious. When I turned my attention to a different pain, it stopped.

Do you clench your jaw? TMJ is common with anxiety and it causes temple pain. Also, I found an article about magnesium deficiency and temple pain, and I started taking magnesium, too. My doctor said temple headaches are mostly stress-related.