View Full Version : Convinced :(

27-05-15, 22:11
After reading that the prognosis for malignant melanoma that has spread is not good, I'm panicking so so much. This mole on my leg is stinging and no one has ever looked at it. I'm scared that my doc tomorrow will say to wait and see because I only had other moles looked at recently but I honestly can't do that. I feel sick. I looked into a private mole check but it's too expensive for me at the moment. I hate hate hate this feeling

27-05-15, 22:55
Thanks for your reply. I had a mole off a few years ago when I was 20 and I didn't give it a second thought. It was benign obviously. Since my HA, I just can't stop worrying. I have so many moles and freckles and know the warning signs etc but with this one stinging and peeling slightly I've got myself worked up. I've also got pain in my leg and I keep thinking there's something that's spread.
I'm feeling physically nauseous and I don't know whether that's anxiety or what. I'm going through a stressful time at the moment. I just want the doctor to take my moles off tomorrow but the thought of them saying wait and see or referring me to the dermatologist in a few weeks is scaring me. I just can't wait. I'm actually getting really depressed. Sorry for the rambling

28-05-15, 07:45
I'm off to the doctors and I think I'm going to ask to have all of my moles removed my s specialist. I have been reading up on melanoma and I am sick to my stomach with worry. My aching leg and hip is still here and I'm petrified. Why did I ever use sun beds??? I've got more than 20 moles and freckley things over my body and I feel like a ticking time bomb.

29-05-15, 15:52
Hi ive read ur post and know exactly how u feel. I had a brown mark appear on my lip and it wouldnt go away went to tje docs who said it was a blood spot and it would go..months later still there so saw another doc and he made an appointment at demotology..scared is an understatement as had to wait two weeks for the appointment..the googling i done made things worse i was convinced it was a melonoma as a few people in my family have had skin cancer. Saw the derm within 30 secs he said its a freckle..so just goes to show its not always worst case scenario .hope ur ok