View Full Version : Doctors Office Blood Pressure 120/72 Pulse 131?

28-05-15, 00:44
Does this even make sense. The doctor knows I have anxiety and bad white coat syndrome. I had an early appointment this morning with the doctor, thus just five hours after all meds. I was fine until I got inside the front door of the office and my pulse quickened.

I was weighed and then taken to the room for blood pressure measure and pulse etc waiting for the doctor. My blood pressure was 120/72 and pulse at 131 . I asked the nurse if that was high and she said a little. It makes no sense to me if my blood pressure was so good why my pulse was 131 and is that normal? I mean shouldn't my blood pressure been higher? Does that mean that my blood pressure is too low to match my pulse? The doctor told me I was healthy.

My blood sugar is in normal range. My weight is great. My blood pressure is great but said nothing about the 131 pulse. I asked him too that I had been monitored several times and my heart skipped, he had checked me when heart was skipping and other doctors the same and they could not tell it was skipping but I felt it.His answer was because you are sensitive to it. I am just lost about the blood pressure readings and high pulse. just doesn't make sense. Anybody please?

28-05-15, 01:17
You are fine. pulse should be under a hundred but probably is outside the doctors office, if you are concerned about the skip and pulse try a beta blocker but be prepared for it to slow you down. You won't be able to speed your heart up when you need extra O2. The elevated pulse probably brought your blood pressure up but not much. I would bet 2mg of valium 15 minutes before the doctor and everything would have been normal.
Here they check your blood pressure in a room by yourself and the machine does five checks two minutes apart. But that is ten minutes out of your fifteen minute appointment if you are paying, here it is free so it doesn't matter.

28-05-15, 05:27
Thanks I found the answer on a major medical site that I trust, but thank you.

Here is the answer:

A rising heart rate does not cause your blood pressure to increase at the same rate.
Even though your heart is beating more times a minute, healthy blood vessels dilate (get larger) to allow more blood to flow through more easily. When you exercise, your heart speeds up so the blood can reach your muscles. It may be possible for your heart rate to double safely, while your blood pressure may respond by only increasing a modest amount.