View Full Version : What a WALLY!

27-01-07, 09:37
Hey all xx

Well am I ever feeling a bit stupid this morning!!! Came up with a rash on my arm yesterday morning which I was OK with at first - didn't hurt or anything, and was just kind of ...there!:D

Then a couple of people at work spotted it[Oops!] Now, I work in a school, so you can just imagine it...measles, chicken pox, and the biggy meningitis! It wasn't until that was mentioned that I started worrying, and by the time I got home I was getting antsy. So I phoned NHS Direct and answered all their questions, to which the nurse said "Er...I think you should go and see your GP tonight......but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about!"[:O]

Well I'm sure you can imagine what was going through my messed up head!! So of I went to the doc, who made me feel about the size of a flea by telling me it was probably a 'virus' (isn't it always?!) and to go home and not worry about it - NOT WORRY!!!!:( So of course I did the exact opposite and ended up being up all night with the most horrendous panic attacks.

So now I feel totally stupid and sorry for myself - what a WALLY![:I]


27-01-07, 09:43
You're not a wally at all. If it had been meningitis and you hadn't been to the doctors then you would hve been a wally!! Doctors are used to people coming in with valid concerns so you did the right thing.

Love Jo xx

28-01-07, 08:06
I concur with Jo, you're not a wally at all. :D, I'd have been straight off to the emergency department - I'm a big wally. Just because we have health anxiety doesn't mean we shouldn't get things checked out!

Don't you hate it when people point things out???!!!? Guarenteed to make me panic!

"This too shall pass"