View Full Version : What's this stitch like pain near my stomach on the left

28-05-15, 11:06
I'm 34 and my health anxiety is back

Had this stitch like pain where I think my stomach is on the left that comes and goes in seconds it's quite painful but then just goes sometimes I get it twice a day then maybe miss a day

Can't understand why it just won't go, had more frequent bowel movements too, well more in the morning

Also had really bad acid and my doc gave me omoperazole but I doubt the symptoms are acid related???

My doc doesn't know what it is but says it doesn't sounds serious as it would last longer

Still worried though ��

28-05-15, 22:57
It sounds like IBS or diverticula disease. The latter is usually focused on the left side and, as you may know, is pockets in your bowel. If they become infected because food has remained lodged in there it becomes diverticulitis. You can tell it has turned to this if you get flu like symptoms and worse pain. I doubt yours is this but IBS is similar and, again, varies in length and intensity.

30-05-15, 09:41
Thanks for your reply don't feel any worse and the pains still come once or twice a day with no pattern really, just hope it settles x