View Full Version : feeling crappy

28-05-15, 11:24
Heya all, im sorry to check in again, but in all honestly i feel like crap, im having numbing down left side face, leg and sometimes arm. Feelings like i cant breathe Or that my throat is closing i feel like im about to drop down dead.. im so sick of feeling this way, i keep thinking the doctors have missed something Its driving me bonkers i dont know what to do. Its hard for me to believe its just anxiety its driving me bonkers im worried about clots, stroke, heart attack, death, infection its honestly gone into overdrive since my opp. Is it all just anxiety gone crazy or Am i truly going To die. Please help if you can

28-05-15, 15:04
Yes...you are going to die!
but most likely not any time soon.

I'm a total mess today also, had to assist with a presentation in front of the board of directors.
Last night I wasnt too bad but it has been preying on my mind of course.
Before going to bed i'd noticed that a few of my hairs on my head had fallen out and my glands in my neck are still swollen.
I immediately convinced myself that my hair is gonna start falling out in lumps again and that I need to see an endocrinologist or something.

Today I was as nervous as hell from waking up, just getting to work was a struggle, fears that the panic I knew I'd face would kill me stone dead.
Heart attack, stroke, blood clot etc.
I've had massive chest pain and pain down my left arm which i'm pretty certain is muscular but can't convince myself of it.
My neck is as stiff as a board and I keep going dizzy.
My glands hurt, I've got flashing spots in my eyes, my fingers keep tingling.
My back keeps throbbing, my leg and hips hurt. I keep getting flashes like I'm gonna black out.
Rapid and strong heart rate, hot flushes and probably loads more stuff that I'm doing to myself...or rather that my body is doing to 'help' me.

All on and off all day.

Realistically when I move in certain positions the chest and arm pain is worse but I can't help thinking 'what if', should I run to A&E etc etc etc...

It's pretty horrible isn't it.

Then for just a few seconds I can wonder why am I thinking all this crap all the time, I dare myself to forget it all and think positive thoughts, it works and then by the time I realise i'm thinking about the bad stuff again.

At least it's almost the weekend and you can do it all again tomorrow or next week. :yesyes:

Or just maybe...this is the last time!
Because you choose it to be and next week will be just that little bit better but in the mind it will be awesome because it isn't this!

28-05-15, 18:47
Heya daniel t thankyou for your honest reply, im so sorry to hear you are having such an awful day too.:hugs: i hope you are feeling a little better now, you are so strong going to work on top of all that you are feeling, im so glad we have this board to talk to other people. Its hard to think we are doing this to ourselves and your right ive booked myself into a and e and bought my 'coffin' so many times you would think id learn that anxiety is to blame. I hope you are feeling a little better now you sure deserve it, maybe tomorrow will be better for us both. I hope your presentation went well im sure it did and im glad you didnt let it beat you:D. Im going to try and take my queue from you and not let it beat me.

Like you say tomorrow is another day :yesyes: thankyou for taking the time to reply and pull me off the ceiling again. Panicstricken