View Full Version : So anxious/constant worry...

27-01-07, 09:38
Last year, after months of terrible stresses (deaths of loved ones), I began having heart rhythm problems. I'd already had ectopics for years, but suddenly they were almost constant, and a new super-fast erratic rhythm started. After spending time in the cardiac unit and going home with a monitor, I was diagnosed with SVT (supraventricular tachycardia). I was treated with Verapamil, but it didn't take care of all the symptoms.

Just over a week ago it became very bad again, and it scared me so much that I went into an awful panic attack at the same time. I was put in hospital for three days due to the SVT problem, during which my medicine was changed to Rythmol. I felt a little better at first, other than a terrible side-effect headache. Now my SVT rhythm is still occurring occassionally (and I start to panic everytime it does) and I've developed a fear of the medication itself.

I read the drug info to see if there was anything important I should know, and the first warning was: "This drug can increase the risk of death. It should only be used to treat life-threatening arrhythmias." And there's a note that in rare cases it can cause new life-threatening arrhythmias. Now I'm worried that I'm taking a medicine that's riskier than the SVT.

I'll see the doctor again until Monday or Tuesday, but I'm staying in a state of panic over this. And of course that doesn't help my heart any. My health anxiety and my fear of death are in overdrive.

All day yesterday, and so far today, I've been trying not to go into a full panic attack. I feel like I'm constantly on the verge--trembling and light-headed. I'm trying to calm myself down and taking Rescue Remedy, but I can't sleep, and it's all just exhausting me to my core.

Thanks for reading and letting me get it out of my system. Since I don't know how to make this better, maybe just sharing my thoughts will help me some.

27-01-07, 14:24
Sorry you have been caused so much worry. I can't say much to help right now, but I'm sure your doctor will have weighed up all the options and prescribed for you the safest drug he can. We need to all put our trust in these people that they know what they are doing and have our best interests at heart, but it's very hard to do!

Reading information is never good for us health-anxiety sufferers. The drugs companies have to put all these scary warnings in to cover themselves. My daughter had some eyedrops once, and one of the side effects listed was leukaemia! It scared me to death but the doctor reassured me it was safe.

I'm sure your doctor will reassure you too; and it's typical we always need to know stuff over a weekend when no one is around. I'm thinking of you and I hope your mind is put at rest on Monday.


27-01-07, 17:27

Thank you for your kind words. I really do appreciate your post. I'm sure you're right, but I can't quite seem to convince myself.

I admit I have trouble trusting doctors due to some past events. I think another factor, for me, is that it's just days away from the first anniversary of my mum's death. It's been a hard year without her, and my emotions are running high.

Thanks again for your reply.

29-01-07, 16:03
Hi Reemy
I am so sorry to hear of the terrible time you have been going through
I have SVT too....i ve had ectopics for a little while then i had a huge svt attack in september which sent me to hopsital due to the lightheadness, faintness and weakness etc (i am sure you only know too well how scary it is!!!)
I was given Sotalol an antiarrythmic/beta blocker and after a negative echo this was increased, however i hated taking drugs for a condition which is rarely serious especially as i am only 21. I also found that the pvcs etc seemed much more symptomatic i told my doctor that they were making me dizzy when i stood up and he agreed that i could stop taking them straight away. I put everything into perspective that it was probably caused by anxiety and decided that it wasnt worth taking the chances with a potent drugs side effects and if/when i get another attack i'll try the vagal maneouvers
I was told though by a doctor friend that only damaged heart by scarring of a heart attack or something that your born with can really only be the cause of the major heart side effects (you know the ones i am talking about) remember that your doc will have weighed up the options to put you on the best drug, and there are alternative drugs, i know people that sotalol and flecadine (which can be taken when you feel an svt attack coming) has worked very well for.
Good luck and remember how rare the side effects and that you probably dont fall into the category of people that the side effects are written for
all the best reemy

30-01-07, 00:15

Thank you so much for your reply. It was really helpful to hear from someone who has gone through the symptoms of SVT and dealt with the sort of meds they prescribe for it.

I do feel like the SVT issues wouldn't be so bad if I could stop the panic response. I know I make it worse by the way I react. As you said, SVT is rarely very serious, so to me it seems like overkill to take this medicine everyday. I think I'm going to talk to my doctor about whether stopping the medicine might be a good option for me. Especially since it's only increased my anxiety.

Even if I stay on the med, you've made me feel a bit better about it.

Thanks again,

03-02-07, 02:55
Hi! You are not alone...in 2001 I had my first SVT attack, and and then again in 2003. My first when I was 18 and the next when I was 20. I haven't had any yet; I take Toprol XL to help prevent it. I just wanted to let you know, that not everyone that has SVT has to deal with it forever; I have been to 2 cardiologists, and both have said that most people that have SVT eventually quit having it. I hope that is the case with me, and I hope this can give you hope.
My anxiety issues started after having the first attack, but I've been doing really well these last years. I go on and off Zoloft as needed, and it works for me. I always keep xanax handy for really bad panic and anxiety.
I recently have been having an issue with weird beats at nigth, but other than that things have been good. Hang in there!!

06-02-07, 19:09
I had my first SVT attack on August 2005. My heart rate was 145BPM and I thought I was going to die. I went to the emergency room and they observed me and ran tests for about 5 hours and then released me. I wasn't prescribed any type of medication and was told to visit an internal medicine doctor. I haven't had another SVT attack since then, but I do suffer from severe heart anxiety everyday of my life. It's a constant struggle, but I'm sure we will get through it. Let's just hang in there and try to trust these doctors who tell us we are fine.


06-02-07, 23:46
Hi Mate

Pleased you have found the site, you are not alone and we will help you all we can.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".