View Full Version : woke heart racing and really hot

29-05-15, 05:16
Hi is anyone awake:weep:who I can talk to....or who knows the best way
to calm myself down

29-05-15, 06:17
I'm awake. I have this quite often. Are you better now? I sometimes will go put my hands in cold water and that can help.

31-05-15, 15:27
It's really horrible when that happens and I feel your pain.

If it happens to me I will get out of bed to cool myself down- stick my head out a window or even take a quick cool shower. You could try to empty your head and focus on abdominal breathing or other mindfulness techniques. But to be honest, if you are in a really heightened state of anxiety that can be near impossible.

Are you on any medication? If I can't sleep due to a racing heart, feeling hot etc I will take a beta blocker and that helps immensely and usually within half an hour.

It's also important to know that it's ok and people get these feelings from time to time. It's awful and distressing but it won't kill you.