View Full Version : Finally went to the doctors !

27-01-07, 12:42
Hiya guys..i finally went to the doctors yesturday in a long time...i told him im sufferin panic attacks depression and agoraphobia..he sent off for me some therapy...and gave me 84 tablets of Propranolol 40mg and take one three times a day im really not one for taking tablets becos i always think of the side affects...do these really help ?
also will they affect the pill from workin i take microgynon 30? i forgot to ask the doctor !!

27-01-07, 13:52

Well done for going to the Doc's, Im not sure how these tablets work with the pill, maybe you could ring the pharmacist? I have taken propranol before and didnt get any side effects from them, my doc told me these work purley on the physical symptoms and are not mind altering and she even takes them herself before stressful presentations! So they must be ok!

Take Care


27-01-07, 16:49
Hi Nicki,Im on the propranolol and they dont give me any side affects.well done on going to the doctors.

Ellen XX

06-02-07, 12:18
Finally takein the Propranolol...no side affects whch is good cant see any diffrence yet...And finally got a appointment for therapy on 21st feb

08-02-07, 22:51
The propanalol is great. I have a fear of meds and had the panic pills for 2 weeks before I could bring myself to take them, but when I did, there were no side effects and it worked a treat.