View Full Version : heart stopping in sleep

29-05-15, 07:04
Hey everyone
So I am not sure if this is an irrational fear or not but I have read many stories of ppl going to sleep ans having their heart stop in their sleep and tthey die. This doesn't seem too irratiomal as I have read stories of ppl that thishappens to who are very healthy and young.
It scares me because I get these sharp pains in the left side near my heart. sometimes it hurts if I push on a bone that is above my heart. Other times it feels heart is being squeezed.
I went to bed and woke up to a sensation of squeezing around my heart. And almost like a burning pain. Now it hurts if I move around and if I push in the area around my bheart
Is this a heart attack???
I'm 30 female. I have stress. A lot of it. I'm scared my stress will give me a heart attack. Or that I am currently having one.
I have gone for numerous heart tests that have come back normal but also heard that it doesn't matter because anyone at any time can suffer a heart attack no matter how many tests they have done.
I'm scared to sleep in case my heart gives out.
What are ur thoughts???
Are these symptoms of. A heart attack?? Or maybe an embolsim

Should I just keep going to emergency everytime just to be safe