View Full Version : doctors have reduced my meds

29-05-15, 08:51
Hi all.i had a phyciatrist meeting a week a go and she told me they will not be putting me on any different meds,instead she said i must come off my olanzipine because its not a good drug to stay for long tearm...after our meeting i left and thought to myself,ill decide when ill cut down on my meds..anyway i went to mt gp yesterday to get my usuall repete script,only to discover that my med decrease is on it.so they have contacted my docs and told them about the meds...well instead of it being 5mg olanzipine at night,they have only given me enougth for 5mg every other night..this is the drug that has helped me to sleep and worked wonders for it.so now im scared my insomnia will return.

29-05-15, 09:15
Hi Greg, that must've been a shock. Have you tried going without it before? Does the trazodone not help you sleep? When I was taking Zopicline the Trazodone didn't work at all for sleep, but when I'd been off it a few days my sleep started kicking in. I think the body gets used to the heaviest drug but will then adapt. Good that you have it every other night, but it's hard when it's just thrust upon you like that. Let us know how you get on and good luck!

29-05-15, 09:20
I did cut the olanzipine down before but found i started to feel anxious after a few days so got back on my regular dose again...they want me off this drug completly so i can only imagin they will keep me on every other night for a month then tapper down more.yes it was a shock to see this when i got my script yesterday.didnt notice untill i got home..

29-05-15, 09:25
Yes I remember you saying now, it's awful isn't it, I'm still feeling anxious from reducing the trazodone and its been 2 weeks now, but I have to get off it it's never felt right. You will get through it, and hopefully it might be easier than you think. :)

29-05-15, 09:34
I know what you meen about trazadone..iv been on 200mg now for a good year but started a low dose 3 years ago.so total of three years on it..and like you,iv never felt right on it,if anything iv felt worse.the only good thing to come out of it was the sleeping.but this olanzipine iv been on for over a year now,realy helped further with my sleeping..maybe once im off it the old me might start to return

29-05-15, 09:40
Oh dear, that's hard for you.

I was on quetiapine, also an atypical anipschotic, for anxiety and it helped me so much. The difference was that I was able to decide when I came off it. It's been quite a few months since I took it and ok at first but starting to go downhill a bit now.

It must be hard to have that decision made and with immediate effect, a real shock. Even when you feel ready it is hard going.

Maybe things will be fine for you, but if you do struggle hopefully the doctors will take action straight away to give you whatever you need to cope.
If they are concerned about long term effects on your body that's understandable but for myself I prefer to take that chance to get through the present.

Take care

29-05-15, 11:06
Lilac.your right there..disision made very quickly and sudenly.oh well i have no option.see how it goes....maybe you need to go back on your meds if you are starting to go down hill..you say they worked for you before..why did you stop taking them ? .

29-05-15, 11:10
You did mention that you had gained a substantial amount of weight recently and I suspect that the olanzapine will have contributed to that? It has some rather dubious side effects so I think the GP is doing the right thing-it's hard but in the long run you'll be better off health-wise.

I hope that your sleeping pattern soon settles.

29-05-15, 11:35
I still take Citalopram Greg, I have anxiety/ depression too. The quetiapine was added on for the anxiety. When I went back to work I couldn't cope with the 12/13hrs sleep I needed on Q and was generally feeling good bar a few panics at work and so I stopped it. It was easy to come off, no problems there, but anxiety is building up. I think I should have tried staying on a small dose. Back to the doctor soon I think. She was never keen on the quetiapine though, it was on the advice of the practice CPN that I got it.

29-05-15, 13:40
Hi Greg I would take the doctors advice and hopefully you will be fine with it. If not and you feel like you are going downhill again then maybe go back to your Gp. I hope it works for you.

29-05-15, 13:43
See what comes from it Greg but don't be afraid to go back to them. They need to account for the issue why you need help sleeping (thyroid issue wasn't it?).

How did they tell you to withdraw? Did they say a reduction of the on off cycling? I didn't think the on off was used thesedays but these people should be the experts afterall.

29-05-15, 18:02
Well yes they said,one night on one night off.im not looking forward to it.wasnt excpecting this...i know from before when i tried to come off this med,i started not sleeping and felt more anxious..i will have to see how it goes and give it a go..ill go back to my doctors if i start to feel unwell..

30-05-15, 00:52
Can I ask you how long you have been olanzapine? Am on it myself for 2 and a half years. Am worried about the movement disorder side effect but it is such a good med for sleep and Anxiety. What about cutting the pills in half 2.5 mg per night? Or ask for the 2.5 mg tabs instead? just an idea.

30-05-15, 09:37
Iv been on them for around a year now..

30-05-15, 09:41
Did you take one last night greg?

30-05-15, 09:41
How did you sleep? Or did you take the usual last night?

30-05-15, 10:17
Yep i still took one last night.im going to start with the new course tonight.so i wont have one tonight....slept ok as norm last night,i have a lot on my mind at the moment so not feeling to good.

30-05-15, 19:25
Feeling anxious that you will not sleep I'm sure can make things worse and become a self fulfilling prophecy.

I think maybe just try to relax and accept that it might be different tonight but will get easier.

30-05-15, 19:30
Thanks lilac..i will try.but i have a lot on my mind at the moment.so feeling very stressed

30-05-15, 21:08
That's understandable, it's a shock to have an unexpected change like this.

Do you have a plan for if you don't sleep well, rather than tossing and turning? I don't know if there is anything that helps you when that happens. Whether it's better for you to get up, watch a favourite programme or whatever. My mind goes to all sorts of bad places just lying in bed.

30-05-15, 21:13
No plan.just go with it and see what happens.my life is pritty bleek at the moment so could do without this being sprung on me..i dont want to get up and watch tv as i feel this will wake me up and make it harder to get back to sleep...just have to see how things go

30-05-15, 21:26
This kind of frustrates me. I sleep like a rock. If anything I'm so tired right now I could sleep if there wasn't so much to do. I would take valium PRN if I couldn't sleep and was too tired in body to get up and make lemon balm tea. I prefer the tea, it has no side effects and works well. It grows in my flower beds and needs to be harvested right now. I've been using less as I recovered from my anxiety but I still use it, just not very often. Mind you, this is straight organic lemon Balm, nothing added. I will not touch sleep medication along with a few others that become a dependency. There has to be a better way. Not sleeping is not normal.

30-05-15, 21:33
Greg, sometimes I sleep better if I do some exercise or hard work during the day. Just be careful not to do it too close to bed time or it will wake you up. Maybe you could try something like that?

30-05-15, 22:01
Oh yes, anything you can do to tire yourself is good. But if it's difficult to get out that is another issue. It really helps if you can.

You know what is the best thing for you if you can't sleep. I get up but that's not for everyone.

I expect you are anticipating a bad night, but you can ride through it. Tomorrow will come.

30-05-15, 22:18
Well i go for walks every day if the weather is good.i dont have a prob sleeping at the moment.9-10 hrs most nights,but thats down to olanzipine.i like this much sleep and cant imagin sleeping less..so i hope when i come down from this med it dsnt mess with my sleep

---------- Post added at 22:17 ---------- Previous post was at 22:15 ----------

Has anyone had anything so bad weiging on thete mond that they see no way out of life

---------- Post added at 22:18 ---------- Previous post was at 22:17 ----------

Has anyone had something so big on there mind that they feel life is closing in on them

30-05-15, 22:26
Well yes, have been as far down as we can go. But survived it. If there are particular things, can you talk about them with you professionals?

Mind are very good I have found. If your local group would be helpful to you?

When you are there, I know it feels like you are the only one, but we are many.

30-05-15, 22:47
I have things i cant talk about on hear.some heavy stuff going on in my life.......life changing stuff going on...that will efect my future for good or bad....wish i could blink and it all go away

30-05-15, 23:08
Just remember nothing in life is permanent - even the most difficult situations in life will pass with time.

30-05-15, 23:20
Swgrl.not in my case.i have a life changing situation going on.that will change my life my future the person ill become...i hope god is real

30-05-15, 23:53
My husband left, I lost the life that I had, a home I could call my own. Fifteen years on my own, trying to find a way to support myself, never knowing real security. These things happen to some of us and we can overcome them and it does takes time. But there is always something worth carrying on for.

31-05-15, 00:21
Lilac.i lost my wife and kids after 15 years.lost my home and friends and job.moved 6 times been homeless slept on the street.got some very heavy stuff going on in my life at the mo that will change my life forever.if things dont turn out good for me my life will change for the worse forever..nit looking forward to the next few weeks..my life is allready upside down

---------- Post added at 00:21 ---------- Previous post was at 00:03 ----------

Thats sad.i feel for you.but i have nothing worth going on for.i feel abandabd and alone

31-05-15, 08:48
Your daughter loves you, Greg

31-05-15, 10:54
Greg how did you get on last night without olanzapine?

31-05-15, 11:17
I had my last tablet from my old batch.it will be tonight i go without it..so fingers crossed .today its raining and cold outside.will be stuck in all day..i hate sundays.very depressing

31-05-15, 11:28
Ah well good luck for tonight, hopefully the trazodone will still give you a good sleep!

It's miserable weather down south too but hopefully will pick up later so try to get out if you can, nothing worse than staying in all day even if you don't feel like going out, important to get a bit of fresh air and exercise and should help you sleep better just in case you need to!!!


31-05-15, 11:51
Crystal.thanks.yes i will go for a walk latter if the rain stops...cant wait for the warm weather to arive.makes you feel good inside..hope you have a good day

31-05-15, 12:18
We're in for a mini heatwave next week apparently so something to look forward to! :)

31-05-15, 12:35
Cool.that sounds good.out with the sun block..lol...what you upto today? Any plans.

31-05-15, 13:51
Hi greg I'm out with my husband and son and his friend, kids are playing footie and we've had a long walk. I need to keep doing domething otherwise I think too much! Stopped raining here thank goodness!

31-05-15, 15:11
Sounds nice crystal.i used to love going out on a sunday with my wife and kids.i miss those days..well the rain hasnt stoped hear,so im stuck in doors today..which i hate on a sunday.like you say,if you are not doing things you think about all your problems which is what im doing today..need that summer weather in order to get out of the flat

31-05-15, 19:24
So got out today in the end..rain stoped so went out for a long walk..done my good deed for the week.as i was walking, a elderly man driving pulled over and asked me for directions.i tried to explain the route but it was lots of turns etc.anyway i sent him in his way..next min he was driving past me and pointing to go that direction.so i told him to stop.he pulled over and i told him he was going the wrong way.so i said shall i get in and drive with you.so he said yes.so off we went.it was a 3 mile drive away from my home..i got him to the address and i jumped out.then started the long walk home.

31-05-15, 19:46
Ah greg that's brilliant! Lots of exercise, did a good deed, fresh air, sure you feel much better for it! And hopefully you'll sleep well tonight!!

Something good comes out of every day :)

31-05-15, 19:54
Thanks crystal..yea felt nice to be out and help someone in need out.watching briton got talent now.lol..what you been upto..

31-05-15, 20:08
Same watching BGT! Will look out for your post tomorrow after your night without the med !!

31-05-15, 20:27
Yep.enjoy the tv.ill post tom.hopefully sleep.just dont want to get anxiety.iv had it before when i came down from olanzipine

01-06-15, 06:49
Good luck with the reduction, Greg.

Keep going with the exercise, it helps with deeper sleep.

Good one for helping that old fella, many people would have left him to it.

01-06-15, 12:14
Thanks terry...

01-06-15, 12:19
How did you get on Greg?

01-06-15, 15:12
Hi crystal..ohhh i didnt go without last night.lol..i still had one more of my old batch to have.so it will be tonight first night without..hope i sleep..thanks for asking.ill let you know tom how i got on

01-06-15, 17:07
Oh it's a bit scary isn't it coming down/off meds. I'm starting to get a bit nervous about tonight (reducing traz) but I know I have to do it. At least with one night on one night off you know if you don't sleep tonight you will tomorrow, but sure you'll be fine with just the trazodone.

Will check in tomorrow to see how it went! :)

01-06-15, 17:14
Ok crystal..yes it is scary.i just hope i dont start to feel anxious.iv got a lot on my mind at the moment and dont want my anxiety to get worse making me think about my problems more than normal..good luck on your traz tonight.fingers crossed for you.you are on a small dose so i think you will be fine.

01-06-15, 18:01
Hope so greg, I didn't sleep much last night when I suddenly realised its one thing talking about it but another actually doing it! Hopefully the one night on one night off thing will get you off it gently and not cause much anxiety. Hard times eh?!

01-06-15, 18:02
Yep thats true..can i ask..why are you coming off the traz ?

01-06-15, 18:48
I was put on it for insomnia but to be honest it doesn't always help, and I've never felt quite right on it. It took weeks for it to kick in as a sleep aid and in that time my anxiety went through the roof. I feel spaced out a lot and just a bit weird sometimes. I want to feel like me again and I don't a lot of the time, even though it's a low dose. Also I've lost lots of weight on it and I was tiny already so couldn't afford to really. Just not a good thing for me, need to stick with more natural methods! I know it isn't like that for everyone that's just my experience.

01-06-15, 18:58
Aww that's lovely what you did for the elderly gentleman Greg. A good walk out for you too. I hope your night without the meds goes ok tonight. The weather we have here will be keeping me awake all night I think!

01-06-15, 22:28
Oh thats a shame to hear..Trazadone is a old anti depresent and mostly used nowadays as a sleep aid,but its not for everyone.i think you are right about not feeling yourself on it,i started off at 50mg over two years ago,and felt i lost a bit of me after going on it.and over the month ended up at 250mg to treet depression and my sleep.i felt more of the old me fade.and have never felt the same..nowadays the way i feel is just the norm,i forget how i used to feel..so i know what you meen.good for you coming off it.hopefully your old self will return in no time..there are other sleep aids out there..night all.... is a good one..or anti histermins are good.both over the counter so no script needed..

---------- Post added at 22:28 ---------- Previous post was at 19:00 ----------

Thanks annie.yep felt good helping that man...first night tonight no med..weather hear is realy bad to.very windy and loads of rain.hope it dsnt keep you up all night.i can norm sleep through bad weather.fingers crossed

02-06-15, 05:19
There are some beneifts to coming off it at least, Greg, its one of those associated with weight gain & metabolic changes so you might feel like you have more energy and start losing some weight over time.

I can see why they are looking at the cycling on/off with this now, its got a long half life. I think they tend to do this with things like Prozac (or they at least use Prozac as a cross taper from short half life drugs as it makes overall withdrawl easier).

See how it goes though, the 10% reduction issue still stands as far as I can see. They should be weighing up length of time on it as well as dosage in determined a taper off plan.

Its been bad weather here for the last 24 hours starting in the night but its calming down now. I'ver had the odd soaking today, not that it bothers me since I'm used to being out walking in all sorts of weather but the kitchen tiles have needed drying a few times from being out and the dog wandering back & forth from his loo spot. (had to dry him off a few times today :woof)

02-06-15, 08:35
Yea i see what you are saying terry i hope it works out for me.iv been on this med for a long time now and have slept wonders since iv been on it..