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View Full Version : FEELING RUBBISH

15-10-03, 14:51
I feel run down most days ,cant be bothered doing anything to put it
simplier i feel cr*p am i the only one or is this the norm when you get panic attacks. I have started going to the gym will this help? i get like a tight chest the following day and aches and pains in my chest. Have started taking actimel and wonder if this could cause how i feel

15-10-03, 19:27

We all feel like that at one time or another. It is very draining to fight the panic/anxiety all the time as you are well aware.

Exercise is very good as it will get your breathing correctly and helped my panic enormously.

If you are worried about the chest pains then get them checked out but it could just be that you are overdoing it at the gym or you were a bit out of shape.

Hope things get better for you :-)


17-10-03, 00:38

Having anxiety and panic really drains your body of all stores of vitamins and minerals so get yourself on a good supplement regardless of whether you eat well or not. But do eat well and nutritiously too

Ensure you sleep well too and Yes, exercise will help and is a great thing to do. Your chest pains the next day are probably a reflection of the activity of the day before and you'll be getting stronger... Well done.
I doubt whether actimel has anything to do with it at all.


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