View Full Version : Day 11, sertraline

29-05-15, 15:00
Began my medication of sertraline 11 days ago. For those wondering whether or
Not to take it these are some of my
Side effects, on and off headaches, slight increase in anxiety but not enough for me to stop them, slight nausea but very manageable. I've had a couple of panic attacks which were definitely due to the medication as it happened about an hour after taking the medication. I began on 25mg and was beginning to
Get use to them until I was upped to 50mg which I'm
Finding more difficult, anyone else out there have any knowledge on sertraline which could help motivate me to keep going? Positive stories only as I want to try them without being negatively put off by others who didn't stick them out :)

29-05-15, 16:14
Aside from the panic attacks, it seems pretty good so far, Colin. Hopefully it won't get much worse.

Have you thought of having a look on the Sertraline sub board on the Meds board? Its a pretty common med, its NICE's recommended starting one for GAD, so hopefully there should be some people posting.

I'm just thinking that people will be scattered across all the disorders and you may miss out on them just in this board.

There's also a lot of people who have tried allsorts so I'm sure you will get some support mate.

29-05-15, 20:58
I work in NEXT retail part time and just finished a shift there, wow that was intense, room spinning, feeling dazed and confused all the time as well as shakey when serving customers, HELL. But as i said I'm determined to give these tablets the chance and believe they're gonna bring me close to my old self again! I'll post in there now bud. Purchased sunglasses there so gonna wear them when i'm out shopping etc. to make it a much less intense experience.